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Ambassador Of Turkmenistan In The National Assembly

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  • Ambassador Of Turkmenistan In The National Assembly


    National Assembly of RA
    May 15 2008

    On May 14 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of
    Armenia Mr Tigran Torosyan received the newly appointed ambassador
    of Turkmenistan to Armenia Mr Shohrat Jumayev.

    The Ambassador informed the NA President about the ongoing political,
    economic reforms in Turkmenistan and ensured the friendly attitude of
    his country and his people and the wish of deepening relations in all
    spheres with Armenia. Mr Jumayev especially stressed the raising of the
    economic ties to political high level relationship and the development
    of inter-parliamentary cooperation, and in this context the creation
    of the inter-parliamentary friendship group. The Ambassador expressed
    willingness to do as much as possible during his term of office
    to make closer the traditional ties of two states and peoples. He
    thanked the NA President for attending the inauguration ceremony of
    the President of Turkmenistan, considering his visit to Ashgabat as
    a display of respect. Remembering the disastrous earthquake years ago
    the Ambassador noted with gratitude that the capital city was restored
    with the efforts of the Armenian builders. As a result of the ongoing
    reforms in the country, the Ambassador ensured that a great place was
    given to the organization of competitions, and the Armenian builders,
    who would like to use their rich experience in Turkmenistan, would be
    gladly received in Ashgabat. Touching upon the educational problems
    Mr Jumayev stressed that 60 young people get education in Armenia.

    Mr Tigran Torosyan congratulated the Ambassador upon his appointment
    and expressed hope that the mission will be marked by the development
    of inter-state and inter-parliamentary relations, and expressed
    willingness to promote the success of the steps taken by the Ambassador
    directed towards the deepening of cooperation. Referring to raising
    the economic ties to the level of political relations, the NA President
    noted that the economic development of the two states would create new
    opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation. The establishment
    of the inter-governmental commission was highlighted, which will give
    opportunity for the fulfillment of concrete programmes. In order to
    make closer the inter-parliamentary relations Mr Torosyan noted that
    till the end of the spring session a parliamentary friendship group
    would be set up in the National Assembly. The creation of such group
    in the parliament of Turkmenistan and the mutual visits will promote
    the development of inter-parliamentary relations. Ensuring his warm
    attitude towards the Turkmen people the NA President noted that the
    ongoing reforms in the country were visible also in foreign policy,
    and the development of relations with certain countries and the
    European Union would create new opportunities for cooperation.

    During the meeting other issues were also discussed.