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Armenian spiritual leader decries genocide denial

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  • Armenian spiritual leader decries genocide denial

    Ekklesia, UK
    May 17 2008

    Armenian spiritual leader decries genocide denial

    By Ecumenical News International
    17 May 2008

    Catholicos Karekin II of the Armenian Apostolic Church, visiting Pope
    Benedict XVI in Rome, has spoken of the "genocide" suffered by his
    compatriots in the Ottoman empire, and said that those with power
    should ensure that justice prevails - writes Luigi Sandri.

    "We ... appeal to all nations and lands to universally condemn all
    genocides that have occurred throughout history and those that
    continue through the present day," Karekin said in St Peter's Square
    on 7 May, where he had been invited by Pope Benedict to speak at the
    pontiff's general audience.

    "The denial of these crimes is an injustice that equals the commission
    of the same," noted Karekin, who holds the title of "Supreme Patriarch
    and Catholicos of All Armenians".

    Armenia says 1.5 million of its people died between 1915 and 1923 in a
    systematic genocide initiated by the Young Turks' government ruling
    then in Istanbul. Turkey, however, rejects the term "Armenian
    genocide" and says mass removals were intended to clear people from a
    war zone. It acknowledges that people died, but holds that the number
    was far less than that given by Armenia.

    Karekin was accompanied by Armenian bishops from North and South
    America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East for his 5-12 May visit to
    Rome, which followed an earlier visit to the Vatican in 2000, when he
    met Benedict's predecessor, Pope John Paul II.

    "Today many countries of the world condemn the genocide made by the
    Ottomans against the Armenian people, as John Paul II said when I was
    in Rome," noted Karekin, who received Pope John Paul in Armenia in

    Two days after Karekin spoke at St Peter's Square, Pope Benedict
    received the Armenian delegation at the Vatican. At the meeting,
    Benedict said, "The recent history of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    has been written in the contrasting colours of persecution and
    martyrdom, darkness and hope, humiliation and spiritual re-birth."

    Still, noted the Agence France-Press in a report, Pope Benedict did
    not employ the word "genocide" that had been used by his predecessor.

    The Pope and the Catholicos underlined the achievements of the
    Armenian-Catholic ecumenical dialogue during the past 12 years to seek
    greater Christian unity.

    Karekin II invited the pontiff to visit Armenia, and expressed the
    hope that the international community would support the right to
    self-determination of Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-populated region
    situated in neighbouring Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliev, suggested earlier during 2008
    that his country could use force to regain control over
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The area has been under ethnic Armenian control
    since a 1994 cease-fire ended a six-year war.

    [With acknowledgements to ENI. Ecumenical News International is
    jointly sponsored by the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World
    Federation, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, and the
    Conference of European Churches.]