18:15 16/05/2008
Today a meeting discussion was organized devoted to 18 anniversary
of parlamentarism in Armenia. In the meeting Republican Armen
Shotyan agreed with his opponent's view point that "in general
there is no parlamentarism in Armenia". According to him the only
reason to it could be the historic preview when in 1995 the role
of the parliament has been annulated by the constitution. Whereas
the reformed constitution gives more rights and flexibility to the
parliament and its role.
A. Ashotyan said that the parliament is considered less reliable than
any other state institution. It is the executive body who presents
projects to parliament. He also added that the crisis of parlamentarism
is common to the world and Armenia just can not ignore those notions.
Ashotyan signified the role of opponent leaders in the parliament
and said that though international organizations keep talking about
increasing the role of parliament in the political field they cooperate
and make projects at least not with the parliament.
18:15 16/05/2008
Today a meeting discussion was organized devoted to 18 anniversary
of parlamentarism in Armenia. In the meeting Republican Armen
Shotyan agreed with his opponent's view point that "in general
there is no parlamentarism in Armenia". According to him the only
reason to it could be the historic preview when in 1995 the role
of the parliament has been annulated by the constitution. Whereas
the reformed constitution gives more rights and flexibility to the
parliament and its role.
A. Ashotyan said that the parliament is considered less reliable than
any other state institution. It is the executive body who presents
projects to parliament. He also added that the crisis of parlamentarism
is common to the world and Armenia just can not ignore those notions.
Ashotyan signified the role of opponent leaders in the parliament
and said that though international organizations keep talking about
increasing the role of parliament in the political field they cooperate
and make projects at least not with the parliament.