19:16 16/05/2008
Today the session of the RA Government charitable projects committee
took place which was headed by the president of the committee Simon
Ter-Simonyan, reported the press and public relations department of
the Government. According to the source the committee has discussed
11 charitable projects.
According to the source the following projects have been affirmed: "RA
Shirak region, Artik city - furnishing of schools N 3; 4; 5; 6 and 7",
"RA Armavir region, Parakar city - reconstruction of Hovik Edgaryan
art school", the projects are supported by "Armenia" pan Armenian
foundation, as well as several projects on hospital reconstruction,
providing medical equipments.
The project presented by the Holy Church Echmiatsin "reconstruction
of Arabkir region church" has also been affirmed. A range of projects
on reconstruction of dispensers in Vardenis, Gyumri cities have also
been affirmed.
19:16 16/05/2008
Today the session of the RA Government charitable projects committee
took place which was headed by the president of the committee Simon
Ter-Simonyan, reported the press and public relations department of
the Government. According to the source the committee has discussed
11 charitable projects.
According to the source the following projects have been affirmed: "RA
Shirak region, Artik city - furnishing of schools N 3; 4; 5; 6 and 7",
"RA Armavir region, Parakar city - reconstruction of Hovik Edgaryan
art school", the projects are supported by "Armenia" pan Armenian
foundation, as well as several projects on hospital reconstruction,
providing medical equipments.
The project presented by the Holy Church Echmiatsin "reconstruction
of Arabkir region church" has also been affirmed. A range of projects
on reconstruction of dispensers in Vardenis, Gyumri cities have also
been affirmed.