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Legislative Issues Concerning Mass Media Discussed

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  • Legislative Issues Concerning Mass Media Discussed


    National Assembly of RA
    May 16 2008

    On May 15 the representative of the delegation of the Secretariat
    on Media Division of the Council of Europe Ms Franziska Klopfer,
    and experts Ms Natalia Petrova and Elisabeth Robson were in the
    National Assembly.

    At the meeting with Mrs Hranush Hakobyan, Chairperson of the NA
    Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
    and Ms Naira Zohrabyan, Deputy Chairperson Mrs Franziska Klopfer,
    Programme Adviser of the Directorate General of Human Rights and
    Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe said that the delegation
    was involved in the issues of mass media, freedom of speech. They
    would like to know how to be useful, as they have a programme with
    the European Commission for 2008-2009, and in that framework events
    concerning the issues of freedom of speech will be organized.

    The Committee Chairperson Ms Hranush Hakobyan touched upon the
    functioning legislation on the activity of the mass media means,
    noting that three laws had been adopted, from which the law on Mass
    Media was highly assessed by the specialists, and up to now a proposal
    for amending was not received, what could not be said about the law
    On Television and Radio, which was adopted earlier and needed to be
    amended. According to the Committee Chairperson, there are articles
    in the law, which give a reason for misunderstanding.

    The sides touched upon issues of providing financing, formation of
    the council and independence of the Public TV Company.

    Mrs Hakobyan highlighted in the information field the journalists'
    education, their training, classification of the journalists' ethics,
    etc. According to him, in these issues too the relevant structures
    of the Council of Europe can be useful with their experience and
    programmes. It was considered necessary to make aware the society of
    legal knowledge, to create favourable conditions for the activity of
    the regional mass media, etc.

    The Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal
    Affairs Mr Artyush Shahbazyan, members Mr Hovhannes Margaryan and
    Artak Davtyan also met with the representative of the delegation
    of the Secretariat on Media Division of the Council of Europe Ms
    Franziska Klopfer, and experts Ms Natalia Petrova and Elisabeth Robson.

    Informing the MPs about the aim of the visit Ms Franziska Klopfer noted
    that events took place in the framework of the 2008-2009 programme on
    the freedom of mass media in Armenia. Ms Natalia Petrova highlighted
    the role of the media in the formation of the democratic state.

    The guests were interested in the amendments to the law on Television
    and Radio, the elimination of Article 318 of the Criminal Code,
    decriminalization of defamation, etc.

    The Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal
    Affairs Mr Artyush Shahbazyan said that, taking into account the CE
    assignments, a committee was set up to improve that legal system. Mr
    Shabazyan highlighted the creation of the culture of honouring the
    democracy and freedom of speech, which was not possible to regulate by
    law. According to the Deputy Chairman, there is a problem to improve
    the society, and the journalists should understand that they are free
    in their professional activity but they should not offend and slander
    the citizen. Mr Hovhannes Margaryan noted that the parliament made
    an amendment in the Criminal Code and repealed the Article 318.

    In Mr Margaryan's words, legislative initiative envisaging an amendment
    to the article regarding the defamation is in circulation. He said
    that in the region Armenia is the only country, where none of the
    journalists was brought to responsibility for defamation or offense. Mr
    Artak Davtyan noted that in Armenia the compliance of the laws with
    EU standards was highlighted, as the membership of Armenia to the
    European Union was expected.

    During the meeting the sides also touched upon other issues of mutual