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ANCA and Africa Action Call on US to to End Darfur Genocide

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  • ANCA and Africa Action Call on US to to End Darfur Genocide

    May 16, 2008
    Armenian National Committee of America
    Eastern Region
    122 W. 27th St. Floor 12, New York, NY 10001
    Contact: Karine Birazian
    Tel: 917-428-1918


    --- May 22nd Rally in New York City to Take Place U.S Mission to the
    United Nations

    New York, NY- With the U.S. set to take over the presidency of the
    United Nations Security Council this June, the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA) and Africa Action have teamed up Africa
    Services Committee, American Jewish World Service, the Damanga
    Coalition for Freedom and Democracy, Genocide Intervention Network,
    NY City Coalition for Darfur, New York Vigilers, STAND, Rock for
    Darfur, Darfur Metro, Darfur Rehabilitation Project, and other
    human rights organizations in calling for the deployment of well-
    equipped peacekeepers in Darfur. The groups will hold a rally on
    May 22, 2008 from 12-2pm at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations,
    located at 140 East 45th St. between 3rd and Lexington Avenues.

    "The recent rebel attacks on Khartoum by Darfuri rebel group the
    Justice and Equality Movement and subsequent government reprisals
    against civilians may worsen the humanitarian situation in Sudan
    that has already grown more dire over the course of 2008," said
    Gerald LeMelle, Executive Director of Africa Action, who has taken
    the lead in organizing the rally. "The U.S. presidency of the UN
    Security Council in June offers an opportunity for the Bush
    administration to deliver bold diplomatic action, not mere
    rhetoric, to address this crisis. U.S. leadership at this critical
    moment is vital to upholding the international community's
    responsibility to protect the people of Darfur and promote peace
    for Sudan."

    The U.N Security Council has primary responsibility to maintain
    international peace and security. The Presidency of the Council
    rotates monthly, according to the English alphabetical listing of
    its member States, and on June 1, 2008, the United States will take
    over the presidency. Over 450,000 people have lost their lives and
    millions have been displaced in the ongoing genocide in Darfur.
    Although the U.S. government has acknowledged this genocide, it has
    failed to take the necessary action to protect the people of
    Darfur. Africa Action, the ANCA and rally supporters are calling on
    President Bush to assert U.S. leadership in support of a
    multinational intervention to stop the ongoing genocide in Darfur.

    "The Armenian American community knows all too well the
    repercussions of inaction in the face of genocide," noted ANCA
    Eastern Region Executive Director Karine Birazian. "We commend
    Africa Action in taking the lead on this initiative and look
    forward to working with all rally organizers to once and for all
    put an end to the cycle of genocide."

    Armenian Americans and concerned human rights activists are
    encouraged to attend the rally in large numbers and raise their
    voices in support of decisive U.S. action to end the genocide in
    Darfur. For more information, please contact Briggs Bomba at
    Africa Action at 202-546-7961 or email at [email protected].
    Please click here to RSVP online.