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S. Sargsyan: "Reforms, This Is How We Work"

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  • S. Sargsyan: "Reforms, This Is How We Work"

    21:04 19/05/2008

    Today the president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan invited the members of
    the working group to discuss the recommendations made by PACE "about
    the democratic institutions in Armenia" article 1609. The working
    group presented to the president the main directions and activities
    for the implementation of the article.

    All the member of the working group was present at the meeting

    The president stated that the recommendations made by the PACE in
    the article 1609 feat with president's pre-election campaign plans,
    they feat with the political coalition's plans and their announcements.

    He added that Armenian authorities do follow those recommendations
    as they fall under our interests. "In general, reforms, this is how
    we do work," said the president.

    The working group presented the main principles directed to the role
    of the opposition in the political field. The president greeted
    the proposals and order to take appropriate measures to implement
    them. The president signified the adoption of legislative right
    matched for the opposition.

    Another point mentioned in the article about the election reforms
    was presented to the president. A working group has bee formed by
    the NA chairman where all the political bodies received invitations
    to take part, the non-governmental bodies have also accepted the
    invitation. It was presented that a package of reforms is being
    drafted for the electoral code. The president recommended to involve
    local experts in the discussion of those reforms and only after to
    send them to the Venice Committee.

    The other point was about the committee of the TV and Radio, Public TV
    and Radio Council. It is planned to insert pluralism in the working
    style of the Public TV and Radio. The group presented another point
    of the article which considers to "Holding meeting, demonstration,
    marches and rallies", they said that a project of changes has been
    drafted, which was sent to European correspondent bodies and soon it
    will be presented to the parliament.

    In the meeting discussion where the points of the article 1609 were
    presented to the president the working group members talked about the
    court system reforms, March 1 events and the dialogue which should
    be held among the political bodies in Armenia.

    The head of the Heritage Party Raffi Hovhannisyan made a speech and
    said that the party leaded by him has drafted another package of
    the reforms which he would like to match with the one done by the
    working group.

    The president Serzh Sargsyan said that the one presented by the working
    group is not a dogma and that they could feat the one recommended by
    Mr. Hovhannisyan.