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The Opening Of The Armenian-Turkish Border Is A Political Project An

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  • The Opening Of The Armenian-Turkish Border Is A Political Project An


    17.05.2008 GMT+04:00

    The opening of the borders can have a negative impact on Armenia and
    also in the regard that the war between the Turkish regular army and
    the Kurds may noticeably approach the Armenian border.

    The congressman Adam Schiff introduced the bill calling the US
    President of Senate to urge Turkey to raise the blockade of the
    Armenian border. "The act of raising the Turkish blockade of the
    Armenian border" presumes a response from the Secretary of State about
    the measures of the USA for raising the blockade of the Armenian
    blockade in 30 days after final passing of the document. "We must
    intensify the pressure on Turkey so that it raises the terrible
    blockade of the Armenian border, which will allow the Armenian
    entrepreneurs to fully participate in the global economic procedures,
    as well as will promote Armenia's integration into Europe," said
    Adam Schiff.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ According to the assessment of the US Secretary
    of States, due to the blockade the transport expenses of Armenia
    make 30-35% more than it normally would. Besides, the blockade puts
    obstacles on the way of American and international humanitarian aids,
    which is a violation of the US and international humanitarian aid

    Lately Azerbaijan has become the most active "protector" of Turkey
    on the international arena. One can understand Baku very well;
    it Turkey is suddenly forced to deploy the border with Armenia,
    which is by the way under blockade with the request of Azerbaijan,
    Baku will be left all alone in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Conflict. Turkey is not a very reliable ally, but Azerbaijan does
    not have any other choice.

    The issue of the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border has a different
    interpretation in Turkey. For example, the Deputy of the National
    Assembly of Turkey, the former State Minister Reshat Dogry announced:
    "From time to time this question is raised in Turkey. However, I think
    that no international organization will be able to make Turkey open
    the borders with Armenia unless the Karabakh Conflict is resolved,
    unless Armenia gives up the idea of its claims on territorial integrity
    towards Turkey, and finally, unless Armenia does not stop putting
    pressure on Turkey in the issue of the Armenian Genocide. This is
    the viewpoint of the Turkish nation and government," says the Azeri
    Agency APA.

    Unfortunately, the current Administration of the USA will hardly be
    able, or will hardly want "to call Turkey to open the borders," but
    maybe the next one will not follow Ankara's tastes so blindly. First
    of all the USA, only then Armenia and the entire region need it.

    The opening of the Armenian-Turkish borders, as it has been mentioned
    more than once, is simply a political project and in the economically
    Armenia does not need it, neither does Turkey. In the given situation
    we should take a closer look at Georgia, whose economics and industry
    was destroyed due to the Turkish stock.

    Something like this may be expected for Armenia. In the economic
    point of view it is better to enjoy the contacts one has and not want
    anything else. The strange thing is that the Turkish party is of the
    same opinion. Non-official turnover of $400 million between the two
    countries is most acceptable.

    Together with this we should not forget, that in the provinces
    bordering on Armenia are mostly populated by Kurds and sons of the
    Armenians who have survived 1915. The opening of the borders can
    have a negative impact on Armenia and also in the regard that the war
    between the Turkish regular army and the Kurds may noticeably approach
    the Armenian border, which is a very serious problem. Based on the
    national security of Armenia, in the given situation the closed borders
    with Turkey, at present, is the smallest of all evil, not mentioning
    the fact that on the maps of the Great Kurdistan the huge territory
    between Turkey and Armenia is "sought by Kurdish territories".