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Ariel Cohen: Turkey Is U.S. Vital Ally In Region Wrought With Danger

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  • Ariel Cohen: Turkey Is U.S. Vital Ally In Region Wrought With Danger


    20.05.2008 16:06 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Later this year, the Turkish Constitutional Court
    will hear a petition aiming to ban from politics the ruling Justice
    and Development Party (AKP) and many of its most prominent members,
    including Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, its president,
    Abdullah Gul, and several dozen more AKP politicians. Since its
    establishment in 1962, the Court has heard no fewer than four other
    petitions to prohibit political parties. It has granted all of them.

    "The trigger for the latest petition, filed by Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya,
    the Turkish state prosecutor, was the AKP's push to allow the wearing
    of the hijab (head cover) in Turkish universities. The hijab row has
    caused deep concern among the secular, mostly nationalist elite and
    state bureaucracy, who believe that the AKP is instigating a creeping
    "Islamization" of the Turkish Republic. Most Turks do not want to
    live under sharia law and do not want their country to become another
    Iran. The extremist wing of the AKP, along with 7 to 8 percent of
    the Turkish population, probably does," said Ariel Cohen, a senior
    research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

    "However, banning the party would provoke a massive controversy. First,
    there is the issue of popular legitimacy. The AKP won 47 percent
    of the vote in the last parliamentary elections, giving it a broad
    popular mandate. It may be easy to ban a small, radical party, but it
    is very difficult to ban a ruling party with a second-term cabinet,
    a popular prime minister, and a newly elected president.

    "Second, a judiciary crackdown will undoubtedly prompt AKP supporters
    to howl about the "persecution of Muslims," creating a powerful
    mobilizing factor for the next elections.

    "Third, there is the issue of southeast Turkey. In this region, the
    AKP is splitting the vote with the Kurdish DTP party, which has ties to
    the PKK terrorist group. Banning the AKP would help the DTP to perform
    well in the 2008 municipal elections, scheduled for this coming fall.

    "The Turkish state prosecutor would have a stronger case against the
    AKP if clear evidence of a conspiracy existed, such as documents
    outlining a coup plan, tape recordings of a plot to overthrow the
    secular republic, or blatantly subversive links to foreign regimes or
    terrorist organizations. Instead, the AKP has an amorphous agenda:
    parts of its platform smack of Islamization, but the Court lacks a
    clear evidentiary base to banish it from politics.

    "The international repercussions of this case are enormous. The
    vast majority of elite Turks want their country to join the European
    Union. The AKP has done much to promote Turkey's accession, despite
    resistance from many European quarters. The EU and European governments
    have clearly indicated that if the Court bans the AKP, it will set
    back Turkish EU membership for years, if not indefinitely.

    "At the same time, preserving the republic and repulsing threats both
    external and internal is the top priority for Turkey's state guardians:
    lawyers, judges, military officers, and security commanders.

    They will ignore foreign protests if they feel their country is
    in peril.

    "In deciding the AKP case, the Constitutional Court should use a
    laser scalpel, not a sledgehammer. It could place a sanction on the
    AKP and block its efforts at Islamization, yet not ban the party and
    not destroy the democratic foundations of the Turkish state. The
    Court could bar a handful of the most notorious AKP politicians,
    but not the popular Erdogan and Gul. It could deny the AKP state
    funds for implementation of its Islamization agenda. It could warn
    the cabinet not to ignore the country's secular spirit and legacy.

    "Turkey is a vital ally of the United States in a region wrought with
    danger. Washington is well advised to stay out of Turkey's existential
    crisis and let the Court settle it the best way it can. Americans
    should respect Turkey's maturity and independence. But Washington
    should also emphasize its desire to maintain robust bilateral
    relations," Mr Cohen said, The American reports.