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What We Need Is A Comprehensive Project

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  • What We Need Is A Comprehensive Project

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on May 21, 2008

    To Be Discussed Around A Table

    As we know leader of "Heritage" party Raffi Hovhannisyan appeared with
    a mediation mission, to set up government-opposition dialogue. He
    invited the leaders of the coalition parties, including President
    Serge Sargsyan and Levon Ter-Petrosyan for a "vital discussion".

    "What is the sense of looking for a new format of a dialogue, in
    case when the committee established by the decree of the President
    has already taken concrete steps to settle the problems enshrined in
    PACE resolution?

    What is it that prevents Raffi Hovhannisyan from realizing his
    anticipations in the framework of the existing format? Nevertheless
    he is already involved in that process, by his participation in the
    consultation held in the Presidential residence." Below we introduce
    Raffi Hovhannisyan's observations regarding the before mentioned

    "It is very important to compare all the conceptual proposals on the
    table and find the best one, instead of waiting for instructions from
    Strasburg. In my view during the weeks to come, we must initiate the
    process of this dialogue, based on the interests of our state. I would
    be very happy if it starts today. But if it doesn't take place for this
    or that reason, we will continue to work in that direction, taking into
    consideration all the remarks and criticism, because in our view it is
    not the initiative of "Heritage" party but the demand of all Armenians.

    It is not very important where and when will the dialogue be hold. Had
    I received similar invitation, believe me, I would immediately

    "As a pre-condition of the dialogue Levon Ter-Petrosyan demands to
    release his supporters. Don't you think this principle excludes the
    possibility of the dialogue?"

    "In my view those who have been detained due to their political views
    must be released and this must be one of the priorities before June 20.

    But dialogue presumes sitting around a table as soon as possible
    and discussing all the proposals that can help overcome the
    crisis. There are proposals from the both sides, pro-governmental and
    pro-oppositional, so the only thing left to do is to sit and discuss
    them. It is high time for each of us to unite around one idea. We must
    set up a committee to investigate the details of the tragic events
    of March 1 and release all the detainees who didn't commit crime.

    Meanwhile we must restore the freedom of speech of the citizens
    of Armenia.

    This is the complex of issues which need a tête-a-tête."

    "Di d the coalition parties and radical opposition respond to your

    "Not yet."

    "Aren't you satisfied with the approaches represented during the
    consultation in the Presidential residence aimed at raising the role
    of the opposition and mitigating the tension?"

    "Yesterday I said, that if I were a member of the group I would have
    introduced my objections, my special opinion. In my view we still need
    a comprehensive project. We speak about justice, about the independence
    of the courts. But this justice must be equal for everyone. There are
    half steps towards this issue as well. As regards the issue of raising
    the role of the opposition, we shouldn't bargain around holding certain
    positions, instead, our opposition must be properly represented.

    In our program we tried not to concentrate on the pro-oppositional
    and pro-governmental aspects. It is a proposal that presumes the
    involvement of all the powers. If we change the places of the present
    day opposition and government this program will still work."

    "Many representatives of the ruling power, including President
    Serge Sargsyan have accepted that they are also responsible for the
    tragic events of March 1. Recently you also accepted your share of
    responsibility, but still you failed to avert the bloodshed. How do
    you estimate the fact that Levon Ter-Petrosyan doesn't want to accept
    that he is also responsible for what happened?"

    "In my view everyone understands that they have their share of
    responsibility for what happened on March 1, no matter they speak
    about it or not. But the President and his main opponent, the first
    President must feel political responsibility. But I don't think,
    by now any of them has completely accepted his responsibility.

    I shoulder the responsibility of that tragedy as a citizen of Armenia
    and I wouldn't like to comment on the behavior of the other political

    But on the other hand we must accept that we need to review lots of
    thing especially our way of expressing opinions, and using certain
    language, we must understand that today the interests of our nation
    is on the scale."

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