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Video Showing Bodies Of 79 Azatamartiks Found

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  • Video Showing Bodies Of 79 Azatamartiks Found


    Noyan Tapan
    Ma y 21, 2008

    YEREVAN, MAY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. It turned out recently that 79 Armenian
    azatamartiks - participants in a military action near the village of
    Hasankaya in Artsakh on June 29, 1992, all of them have been so far
    considered missing - died on the battlefield on the same day. A video
    showing the bodies of these azatamartiks has recently been obtained
    by efforts of members of Arabo NGO.

    The commander of "Arabo" detachment, head of Arabo NGO Manvel
    Yeghiazarian announced this at the May 21 press conference. According
    to him, over the past 16 years, they did not cease seeking information
    about these men. The video bears evidence of the fact that the
    azatamartiks fought and died as heroes. "The guys who were at our rear
    - 3-4 km away preferred death to escape and being taken prisoners,"
    he said. 22 of the azatamartiks were from "Arabo" detachment, 29 -
    from "Artsiv" (Hoctemberian) and 7 were from "Zeytun" detachment.

    The chairwoman of the council of the Organization of Missing
    Azatamartiks Rima Arakelian, whose son was one of the indicated
    azatamartiks, stated on behalf of their relatives that the deeds
    of these men must be appreciated: the rank of National Hero must be
    conferred on them. According to her, they put forward their demand
    to the RA minister of defence during the May 20 sitting of the
    council. Besides, the relatives demand that the identities of the
    killed azatamartiks be established, and their bodies be brought to
    Armenia and buried in the common grave at the Yerablur Pantheon. They
    also demand a meeting with the commanders of that battle in order
    to get some explanation. "After 16 years, the parents must know what
    happened to their sons," R. Arakelian said.

    In her opinion, the place where the azatamartiks were buried is in
    a neutral zone.

    It was announced that more than 300 persons who are considered as
    missing after military operations have been registered in Armenia.