21.05.2008 17:02 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The information about transfer of Norashen Armenian
church under the jurisdiction f the Georgian Orthodox Church is a
"provocation of Russian media," Azeri political scientist Rasim
"It was supposed that 'indignant' Armenians will prefer pro-Russian
candidates to Saakashvili's team during the parliamentary elections,"
he said.
"The current Armenia-Georgia relations can be described as 'better
a bad peace than a good quarrel', because Georgia experiences
problems in normalizing relations with neighbors and opposition
with Armenia will result in a new wave of Javakhetians' autonomy
claims. On the other hand, Armenia's only outlet to the sea lies
through Georgia. Complete isolation would be a calamity for it. So,
despite Kremlin's instigations, Armenia will not strain relations
with official Tbilisi," Musabekov concluded, reports.
Last week the Georgian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
expressed indignation at the encroachment on Saint Norashen Church
and its surroundings instigated by Father Tariel Sikinchelashvili of
the Georgian Orthodox Church.
Saint Norashen Church was built in the middle of 15th century. In
1930-ies along with other places of worship, it was closed and used
as a book depository.
After restoration of state independence, the Georgian government did
not return the Church to its legal historical owner.
During the recent several days a brigade of workers has been building
an iron fence with depiction of religious elements typical for the
Georgian Orthodox Church. The
Armenian Diocese views the act as violation of the agreement to find
a civilized solution to the problem of belonging of Saint Norashen
and four other churches in Tbilisi.
Meanwhile, Father Tariel informed that in the near future he plans
to start "reconstruction works" within the church for holding divine
services by Georgian clergy.
The AAC Georgian Diocese called the Patriarchy of the Georgian Orthodox
Church to take action to prevent infringement of constitutional
rights and to observe the agreement, violation of which can bring to
irreparable injury.
21.05.2008 17:02 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The information about transfer of Norashen Armenian
church under the jurisdiction f the Georgian Orthodox Church is a
"provocation of Russian media," Azeri political scientist Rasim
"It was supposed that 'indignant' Armenians will prefer pro-Russian
candidates to Saakashvili's team during the parliamentary elections,"
he said.
"The current Armenia-Georgia relations can be described as 'better
a bad peace than a good quarrel', because Georgia experiences
problems in normalizing relations with neighbors and opposition
with Armenia will result in a new wave of Javakhetians' autonomy
claims. On the other hand, Armenia's only outlet to the sea lies
through Georgia. Complete isolation would be a calamity for it. So,
despite Kremlin's instigations, Armenia will not strain relations
with official Tbilisi," Musabekov concluded, reports.
Last week the Georgian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
expressed indignation at the encroachment on Saint Norashen Church
and its surroundings instigated by Father Tariel Sikinchelashvili of
the Georgian Orthodox Church.
Saint Norashen Church was built in the middle of 15th century. In
1930-ies along with other places of worship, it was closed and used
as a book depository.
After restoration of state independence, the Georgian government did
not return the Church to its legal historical owner.
During the recent several days a brigade of workers has been building
an iron fence with depiction of religious elements typical for the
Georgian Orthodox Church. The
Armenian Diocese views the act as violation of the agreement to find
a civilized solution to the problem of belonging of Saint Norashen
and four other churches in Tbilisi.
Meanwhile, Father Tariel informed that in the near future he plans
to start "reconstruction works" within the church for holding divine
services by Georgian clergy.
The AAC Georgian Diocese called the Patriarchy of the Georgian Orthodox
Church to take action to prevent infringement of constitutional
rights and to observe the agreement, violation of which can bring to
irreparable injury.