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BEIRUT: Lebanese Rivals Set To Elect President After Historic Accord

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  • BEIRUT: Lebanese Rivals Set To Elect President After Historic Accord

    By Hussein Abdallah

    Daily Star - Lebanon
    May 22 2008

    BEIRUT: Lebanese lawmakers are set to elect the commander of the
    Lebanese Armed Forces, General Michel Suleiman, as president on Sunday
    after rival political leaders clinched a deal in Doha on Wednesday
    to end an 18-month feud that exploded into deadly sectarian fighting
    and threatened to plunge the nation into all-out civil war.

    The deal that was reached at Doha after four days of intensive talks
    will lead to electing Suleiman, forming a national unity cabinet,
    and drafting a new electoral law for the 2009 parliamentary elections.

    The agreement was announced by Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa
    al-Thani at noon Wednesday as the rival leaders gathered at a

    "Some of you took to the streets asking your leaders not to return
    to Lebanon without reaching an agreement ... I would like to tell
    you that your leaders have finally agreed and they will shortly be
    on their way back," Sheikh Hamad said, addressing the Lebanese people.

    The rival leaders officially signed the agreement shortly after it
    was announced. They arrived in Beirut later in the day.

    As the good news reached Beirut, people in the capital and in different
    areas of the country could not help but show their content and relief.

    The feeling of relief was followed by instant action as opposition
    supporters began to remove tents at the site of their 18-month
    sit-in in Downtown Beirut after Speaker Nabih Berri declared an end
    to the protest.

    Berri said that ending the sit-in was a gift from the opposition to
    the Doha agreement.

    The speaker also thanked Qatari and Arab mediators for their role in
    helping Lebanese parties reach an agreement.

    The long-awaited deal addressed two key issues of contention between
    the opposition and ruling majority.

    As far as forming a national unity government is concerned, the
    opposition has managed to get its long-demanded veto power.

    The new cabinet will be made up of 16 ministers for the parliamentary
    majority, 11 for the opposition, and three for the elected
    president. The 11 ministers (one third plus one of the 30-member
    cabinet) are all that it takes for the opposition to block any
    government decision to which its is opposed.

    However, the next cabinet is not due to last long as it will resign
    by default when the parliamentary elections are due next spring.

    Meanwhile, the most important deal of all was the agreement reached
    on drafting a new electoral law for the 2009 parliamentary elections.

    The issue of the electoral law was the major hurdle to the success
    of the Doha talks after the rival sides, which approved adopting the
    qada (smaller district) as an electoral constituency, appeared at
    odds over how to divide seats in Beirut.

    As the Doha talks were moving close to failure, a late night meeting on
    Tuesday of a six-member committee to discuss the electoral law finally
    achieved a breakthrough. Following a short session, opposition MP Ali
    Hassan Khalil told NBN television that a settlement was in the offing.

    The feuding parties have finally managed to agree on dividing Beirut
    into three balanced constituencies. The first constituency is a
    Christian one with five seats, the second is a mixed one with four
    seats, and the third is a Sunni-dominated one with 10 seats.

    The formula is likely to secure for parliamentary majority leader
    Saad Hariri at least 10 out of Beirut's 19 seats.

    On the other hand, Reform and Change bloc leader Michel Aoun will
    have to fight to win the five seats in the Christian district as the
    Armenian vote will be a deciding factor in the mixed constituency. Up
    until the last minute, Aoun was reportedly fighting to put six seats
    in the Christian district, but ended up accepting the 10-5-4 formula.

    As for other parts of the country, the two sides agreed on adopting
    the divisions of the 1960 electoral law.

    Prime Minister Fouad Siniora described the agreement as a "great
    achievement in ... the history of Lebanon."

    Speaking shortly after the Qatari emir announced the agreement, Siniora
    called on all Lebanese parties to condemn violence and pledge not to
    use arms to settle political disputes.

    The Doha agreement has committed all parties not to use violence
    and stated that security was the exclusive responsibility of the
    Lebanese state.

    Under the agreement, a dialogue is set to begin in Beirut to address
    the issue of the state's relations with political groups in the
    country. Such dialogue is to be held under the auspices of the new

    The issue of Hizbullah's possession of arms was not discussed at the
    Doha talks or mentioned in the agreement as the Arab committee decided
    to make do with banning the use of violence, a clear reference to
    the recent clashes in Lebanon between opposition and pro-government

    The clashes left up to 65 dead and 250 wounded.

    Hariri also praised the deal.

    "Today, we are opening a new page in Lebanon's history," he said.

    "I know the wounds are deep, but we have no one except each other,"
    he added.

    Hariri thanked both his allies and opponents for facilitating mutual
    concessions and facilitating an agreement.

    Hariri reportedly left Doha for Saudi Arabia's capital, Riyadh,
    while other leaders returned to Beirut.

    Two other March 14 stalwarts, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and
    former President Amin Gemayel, sounded more cautious as they welcomed
    the agreement on Wednesday.

    Both Geagea and Gemayel agreed that what was achieved in Doha was the
    best of all possible options, but stressed that the most important
    part was implementing the agreement.

    "After ending the sit-in in Downtown Beirut, we will now move to
    electing a president ... The Parliament, which was closed for more
    than a year, will now open its doors," Geagea said. "We will finally
    leave the streets and return to state institutions," he added.

    Geagea also said that Suleiman would be Lebanon's first "real"
    president after 18 years of waiting, a reference to the influence
    Syria exerted on Lebanese politics after 1990 .

    "Suleiman will be the first real president after the late Rene
    Mouawad," he said.

    Mouawad was assassinated in November 1990 shortly after he was elected
    as president.

    Hizbullah MP Mohammad Raad said that the agreement reached at Doha
    was not an ideal one, but nevertheless "is enough to take Lebanon
    from one stage to another."

    Text of the agreement

    DOHA: Under the auspices of Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa
    al-Thani and in continuation of the efforts of the Arab Ministerial
    Committee, headed by Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh
    Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr al-Thani, and the efforts of Arab League
    Secretary General Amr Moussa and the foreign ministers of Jordan,
    United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Algeria, Djibouti, Oman, Morocco,
    and Yemen,

    And based on the Arab initiative to contain the Lebanese crisis and
    in implementation of the Arab-brokered Beirut agreement which took
    place on May 15, 2008,

    The Lebanese National Dialogue Conference was held in Doha from May
    16, 2008 to May 21, 2008 in the presence of the different Lebanese
    political leaders, who asserted their will to save Lebanon by ending
    the current political impasse and avoiding its dangerous consequences
    on national coexistence and civil peace between the Lebanese, and
    voiced their commitment to the principles of the Lebanese Constitution
    and the Taif Accord.

    As a result of the different meetings, discussions, and consultations
    that the Arab committee had with all the parties participating in
    the conference, the following agreement has been reached:

    1 - The Parliament speaker will summon the Lebanese Parliament
    to convene, according to rules in force, within 24 hours to elect
    consensus candidate General Michel Suleiman as president.

    2 - A national unity government of 30 ministers to be formed. It
    will comprise 16 ministers from the majority, 11 ministers from the
    opposition and three ministers to be named by the new president. All
    parties pledge not to resign from the government or hinder its work.

    3 - Adopting the qada as the electoral constituency based on the 1960
    electoral law, but the qadas of Marjayoun and Hasbaya will continue
    to be one constituency and so will the qadas of Westrern Bekaa and
    Rashaya and the qadas of Baalbek and Hermel.

    As for Beirut, it will be divided in the following manner:

    First constituency: Achrafieh, Rmeil, Saifi

    Second constituency: Bashoura, Medawar, Marfaa

    Third constituency: Mina al-Hosn, Ain al-Mreisseh, Mazraa, Mosseitbeh,
    Ras Beirut, Zokak al-Balat.

    The parties also agree on forwarding to the Lebanese Parliament the
    electoral reforms that were proposed by the National Committee for
    Drafting the Electoral Law, headed by former Minister Fouad Boutros.

    4 - All parties will commit not to resort to arms or violence in
    order to resolve political conflicts.

    Resuming dialogue over strength ening state authority over all parts of
    Lebanon and defining the relations between the state and the different
    political groups in the country.

    This dialogue has already started in Doha and resulted in:

    - Agreeing that security and military powers to be solely in the
    hands of the state and spreading state authority over all parts of
    the country so that outlaws will have no safe havens.

    5 - Reiteration of a pledge by Lebanese political leaders to
    immediately refrain from using language that incites political rifts
    or sectarianism and from accusing each other of treason.

    This agreement was signed in Doha on May 21, 2008, by the Lebanese
    leaders participating in the conference and in the presence of the
    head of the Arab Ministerial Committee and its members.