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President Sargsyan Meets With Ambassadors

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  • President Sargsyan Meets With Ambassadors

    22.05.2008 11:17

    President Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with the Heads of Mission of
    the EU member states accredited in Yerevan, and the representative
    of the delegation of the European Commission, President's Press
    Office reported.

    President Sargsyan said that these meetings are a proper format for
    discussing issues on the Armenia-European Union agenda.

    According to the President of Armenia, further deepening of the
    relations with the EU will undeniably expedite Armenia's democratic
    as well as economic development.

    Viewing the implementation of the Action Plan in the framework of the
    European Neighborhood Policy as a priority for Armenia, the President
    stressed that the Plan is in full agreement with the program of the
    Government of Armenia and the logic of the planned large-scale reforms.

    Serzh Sargsyan also mentioned that experience of the European
    Commission is very important for Armenia. The President of Armenia
    said that he is satisfied with the results of the first year of the
    Plan's implementation as well as with the assessment presented at
    the EC's Progress Report. He noted that the assessment is overall
    balanced and fair.

    Serzh Sargsyan also said that Armenia is striving to join the EU's
    General System of Preferences (GSP) trade regime, to receive from
    the EU the status of the country with market economy, and to sign
    a free trade agreement with the European Union. In this regard,
    the priority directions in the coming years will be the improvement
    of the investment climate in the country, improvement of business
    environment, and fundamental changes in the customs administration.

    Speaking about political developments, Serzh Sargsyan said that
    regardless of the post-election developments, the implementation of
    democratic reforms remains a necessity, and that we will continue to
    work in that direction.

    Mr. Sargsyan said that right after the presidential elections he
    offered cooperation to all political forces and received a positive
    response from the majority of them, which made possible the creation
    of the political coalition. He mentioned with pain the impossibility
    of preventing the events of March 1. Regardless of the fact that one
    of the candidates was speaking about the events months before they
    actually took place, President Sargsyan stressed that the authorities
    are responsible for all the processes going on in the country and that
    they see the elimination of their consequences in the unequivocal
    implementation of the recommendations of the corresponding PACE
    resolution. In addition, they entirely correspond to the principles
    laid out in the President's pre-election platform and to the principles
    of cooperation of the Political Coalition. "The recommendations of the
    working group have been approved by the members of the Coalition, and
    we are determined to fully implement them," the President underscored.

    President Sargsyan spoke also about the simplifying the procedures
    for obtaining the entry visas to the EU member states and the EU
    regional center for cultural issues to be established in Yerevan.

    The President of Armenia also presented his views on the
    Nagorno Karabakh peace process, reiterating that official Yerevan
    advocates the peaceful resolution of the conflict on the basis of
    comprises. Meanwhile, the opposite side very often comes up with
    belligerent statements. However, the President thinks that there is
    still hope for a peaceful resolution - as long as the negotiations
    are continued on the basis of fundamental principles.

    Regarding the Armenian-Turkish relations the President of Armenia
    said that our country is ready to establish normal relations with
    Turkey without preconditions and to discuss all contentious issues
    on the basis of intergovernmental relations and negotiations.

    On behalf of the diplomats the Ambassador of France, Serzh Smessov
    expressed satisfaction that the tradition of conducting these meetings
    continues and noted that they are very useful for them.

    The Ambassadors welcomed the determination of the Armenian authorities
    to fully implement all recommendations of the PACE resolution.

    During the meeting the President of Armenia also provided
    clarifications on other issues raised by the diplomats.