AZG Armenian Daily
"Shoushi" Charity Foundation express its protest concerning to the play
of Elnur Houseynov and Samir Javadzade, who represent the Republic
of Azerbaijan , at the first semi-final of Eurovision Song Contest
2008 held on 20 May.
The song remarks the hostility between the Christian and the Islamic
civilizations: e. g. the Islam is represented through the angels of
Allah, and the Christianity is represented through Satan.
"Shoushi" Charity Foundation protest against the politicization of
this beautiful festival and against the attempt for driving a wedge
between those two civilizations.
"Shoushi" Fund
24d/710 Baghramyan ave., Yerevan, 0019, Armenia
T +374 10 568042; E
AZG Armenian Daily
"Shoushi" Charity Foundation express its protest concerning to the play
of Elnur Houseynov and Samir Javadzade, who represent the Republic
of Azerbaijan , at the first semi-final of Eurovision Song Contest
2008 held on 20 May.
The song remarks the hostility between the Christian and the Islamic
civilizations: e. g. the Islam is represented through the angels of
Allah, and the Christianity is represented through Satan.
"Shoushi" Charity Foundation protest against the politicization of
this beautiful festival and against the attempt for driving a wedge
between those two civilizations.
"Shoushi" Fund
24d/710 Baghramyan ave., Yerevan, 0019, Armenia
T +374 10 568042; E