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SuperJet 100 Will Make Russia's Aircraft Industry Relevant Again

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  • SuperJet 100 Will Make Russia's Aircraft Industry Relevant Again

    By Dave Demerjian May

    Wired News rst-t.html
    May 22 2008

    Russian aerospace company Sukhoi has successfully tested its Superjet
    100, a mid-sized airliner that could make Russia a player in the
    commercial aviation business.

    The Superjet program marks a major step forward for Russia's civilian
    aircraft programs, which until now have shown the sophistication of
    a Piper Cub and have the sales figures to prove it. If this plane
    comes together the way Sukhoi and its partner, Finmeccanica SpA -
    Italy's biggest military company - hope, it could compete alongside
    regional jet biggies like Bombardier and Embraer and revitalize
    Russia's lagging aircraft industry. The two companies have invested
    more than $1.5 billion in the project.

    "All hope for Russia's commercial aviation future hangs on this
    plane," Richard Aboulafia, vice president of the Teal Group aerospace
    consulting firm, told Bloomberg. "With Finmeccanica involved, there
    could be a third regional aircraft force emerging."

    Sukhoi's still got a long way to go before that happens.

    The SuperJet can carry 70 to 95 passengers and is designed to replace
    creaking Russian planes like the ancient Tupolev 134 and Yakovlev
    42. It's 100 feet long, has a wingspan of 90 feet and can cruise at
    41,000 feet and 515 miles per hour. It made its first test flight
    earlier this week, five months behind schedule because of problems
    integrating components from more than 40 suppliers.

    "The first flight is a challenging task, as the Sukhoi Superjet
    100 is a new super product with excellent technical and flight
    characteristics," Mikhail Pogosyan, the company's CEO said after the
    test flight, which saw the plane cruise at 4,000 feet during a flight
    that lasted 65 minutes. "This aircraft is unique for Russia. Every
    minute of the first flight was both an exciting expectation and an
    impressive experience."

    Translation: "We had high expectations for this maiden flight and we
    were not disappointed. We know we've got a plane that doesn't suck,
    and our competitors should be nervous."

    Sukhoi conducted the test in secret, with Pogosyn telling the
    Moscow Times, "The Superjet is our child, and its birth is sacred. A
    pregnant woman would never invite the press and guests to watch how
    she delivers her child." Test pilot Alexander Yablontsev said the
    plane feels a lot like the Boeing jets he's flown and told the Times,
    "I'm so happy that I am speechless. I've finally done something manly
    after all these years."

    They broke out the champagne after the test flight, but it's a bit
    early for celebrations. The company's got 600 more test flights
    scheduled, and it concedes

    Russia isn't the only country jumping into the commercial plane
    business. China recently launched a new company to develop a mid-sized
    jet capable of carrying as many as 150 people, and Toyota Motor Co. is
    investing Mitsubishi Heavy Industries confirmed in March that it would
    proceed with a project to develop Japan's first home-grown passenger
    jet aircraft.

    So far Sukhoi has racked up 98 orders for the new plane, which will
    cost $29 million apiece. most from little known airlines like Dalavia,
    Transaero, and Armavia (Armenia rocks!). As part of its fleet renewal
    program, Russian flag carrier Aeroflot has also placed an order for
    45 of the planes.

    "Our target markets are the U.S. and Western Europe," Valerio Bonelli,
    a spokesman for Alenia Auronautica, the subsidiary of Finmeccanica
    responsible for the Superjet, told Moscow Times. "The Superjet has
    now showed that it can fly, so interest will be growing with every
    passing day."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress