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Draft Concept Of Information Technology Sector Developmemt To Be Dis

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  • Draft Concept Of Information Technology Sector Developmemt To Be Dis


    Noyan Tapan
    Ma y 23, 2008

    YEREVAN, MAY 23, NOYAN TAPAN. After a year's interruption, on May
    26, a sitting of the IT Development Support Council (ITDSC) chaired
    by the Armenian prime minister will be held in order to discuss the
    draft concept of development of the Armenian IT sector. The director
    of the E-Content Association of Armenia (ECA) and chairman of the
    IT Foundation Garegin Chugaszian announced this at the May 23 press
    conference held jointly with the chairman of Bi Line company Hayk
    Khanjian and the director of Center of Information Technologies (CIT)
    company Gagik Karapetian.

    In the words of G. Chugaszian, last week a consultation to discuss the
    concept was held with the participation of the minister of economy
    Nerses Yeritsian, and the disagreement and criticism voiced at the
    consultation was not covered by the press. He said that the process
    of developing the concept was not a transparent one: the names of the
    members of the working group to have prepared the draft concept were
    not published, while the draft was submitted to the government without
    being discussed by the ITDSC, the RA National Academy of Sciences
    and authoritive respresentatives of the sector, whereas during a
    consultation conducted by the former president of Armenia Robert
    Kocharian in April 2004, the president instructed that the draft shall
    be discussed by the ITDSC before being submitted to the government.

    These questions remained unanswered at the consultation with the
    participation of N. Yeritsian in charge of the concept's development.

    Besides, G. Chugaszian expressed concern about the fact that
    N. Yeritsian has proposed submitting comments on the draft concept
    within 6 days, while a new consultation will be held in 10 days, and
    "the issue will be closed".

    "It is incorrect to take not serious approach to the busy people who
    have waited for a year so that the concept will be discussed by the
    working groups of the ITDSC," G. Chugaszian noted.

    H. Khanjian said that the draft concept does not address properly the
    problems of Armenian e-content development, whereas the society uses
    ITs to make e-content accessible. According to G. Karapetian, the draft
    concept did not take into account the necessity to ensure continuity
    of projects and work done in Armenia's IT sector in the past.