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Who promised Bernard Fassier to return five territories

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  • Who promised Bernard Fassier to return five territories

    Who promised Bernard Fassier to return five territories

    28-05-2008 13:40:58 - KarabakhOpen reports that the French co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group
    Bernard Fassier said currently they are negotiating the return of the
    Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia. After the return of five
    occupied territories Karabakh will be ready to negotiate the status
    with Azerbaijan, he reportedly said.

    This is what the Azerbaijani newspapers wrote. Bernard Fassier has not
    denied the reports on his statements. It is also difficult to find
    refutations in the Armenian press. Either the Armenian politicians are
    busy with new appointments and redistribution of property or everyone
    is used to the statements of the co-chairs, but the Armenian political
    elite overlooked the statement by Fassier.

    It is notable that the Armenian foreign minister Edward Nalbandyan did
    not respond to this statement (everyone is already used to the silence
    of the Karabakh ministry of foreign affairs). The silence of the
    Armenian foreign ministry may mean that either Fassier's statement
    means nothing or the Armenian minister agrees to the return of five
    territories and he himself told Fassier about it.

    For some time now the return of territories has been the main issue of
    the talks for the Karabakh settlement. The settlement is related to the
    return of territories not only in Azerbaijan but outside its borders.
    Moreover, the Armenian media speak about the return of territories as a
    `necessary compromise', without going deeper into the matter and
    handing the trump card to our opponents.

    And the former Russian co-chair of the Minsk Group Kazimirov went even
    further stating during the recent international conference in
    Stepanakert that Armenia and Karabakh should sign an agreement with
    Azerbaijan not to resume military actions, and in return for the
    commitment of Baku not to wage a war the Armenian sides must return all
    the seven territories around the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous

    So why does Karabakh need these territories? Maybe in order to rid of
    them as soon as possible to have nothing to seize on. Apparently, the
    strategists thanks to whom the present border between the Armenian
    states and Azerbaijan has occurred were bad soldiers and were bad at
    security issues. Or the current Armenian politicians are bad at maps
    and have never been at the border of NKR.