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BAKU: Russian expert: By stressing its isolation, NKR became trapped

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  • BAKU: Russian expert: By stressing its isolation, NKR became trapped

    Today.Az, Azerbaijan
    May 27 2008

    Russian expert: "By stressing its isolation, "Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic" became trapped by the same processes that occur around other
    unrecognized countries"

    27 May 2008 [10:16] - Today.Az

    "Today Nagorno Karabakh occupies special place among the unrecognized
    countries", said Alexander Skakov, chief of department for problems
    of near abroad of the Russian Strategic Researches Institute, taking
    part in the international conference in the Nagorno Karabakh center.

    "On the one hand, Nagorno Karabakh proved its political and economic
    independence and flexibility. On the other hand, "Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic" distances itself from other unrecognized countries and in
    the result from Russia as well. Russia also does not strive for
    involving Nagorno Karabakh into its orbit and does not intend to spoil
    its positive relations with Azerbaijan.

    Paradoxical situation emerged in the result-by stressing its
    isolation, "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" became trapped by the processes
    and pressure of the other unrecognized countries", said Skakov.

    According to him, "the intention of Brussels and Washington to break
    the status-quo, unfreeze the existent conflict, transform the system
    of international relations, established in the South Caucasus, did not
    bypass Nagorno Karabakh".

    "Since the Moscow meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group in 1993, Nagorno
    Karabakh had been a conflict party, a participant of the negotiation
    process and remained that until autumn of 1997, despite the sharp
    resistance of Baku. Nevertheless, a number of factors, including the
    emerging internal crisis in Armenia, as well as Azerbaijan's growing
    prestige resulted in Minsk group's refusal to hold talks with
    participation of Khankendi under pretense of the urgent presidential
    elections in "Nagorno Karabakh Republic".

    "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" is right to insist on its full
    participation as a conflict side in the negotiation process under the
    auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group. Baku is against it", said the
    Russian expert.

    At the same time he noted that the said situation is unambiguous. "On
    the one hand, the status of Nagorno Karabakh, as a conflict side, has
    lowered, as the talks are held without its participation. On the other
    hand, "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" gets an opportunity to block the
    implementation of any peaceful plan without participation in the talks
    and Armenia is free in its actions.

    Anyway, the non-participation of "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" in the
    negotiation process can not be considered logical, as the interests of
    Yerevan and Khankendi are not the same, though close to each others",
    said Alexander Skakov.

    He said Russia distances itself from the search of ways of the
    conflict resolution, shifting the responsibility to the conflicting
    sides and other mediators. This reduces Russia's influence in the
    region, he thinks.

    Speaking about possible renewal of hostilities in the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict, he noted: "Most officials in Azerbaijan do not rule out
    forced way of resolution in case there will not be any other peaceful
    solutions. Nevertheless, the variant of Azerbaijan's strengthening its
    position in the international arena and isolation of Armenia and
    Nagorno Karabakh is the most important for Baku".

    He noted that militaristic spirits are stronger among the military
    leadership of Azerbaijan than among the political one. "Generals
    develop plans of military revenge and start to believe in their
    possibility. The most surprising is that in line with some sources,
    the Azerbaijani military authorities also admit the variant of front
    attack to the "Nagorno Karabakh Republic" for outlet to the Karabakh
    defense, which seems quite unreal.

    Anyway, the confidence about the possible revenge creates conditions
    for initiation of large scale military actions in case of any
    provocation. I admit that such militaristic spirits may also exist
    among the Armenian servicemen. In particular, Armenian mass medias
    admit that in case Yerevan and Khankendi are confident about
    Azerbaijan's readiness to war, they may undertake a warning attack. It
    seems to me that both scripts are possible only in the result of a
    large scale crisis in the whole region", said the Russian expert.

    The current plans of the peaceful resolution of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict should be considered in the sense of their preparedness, he
    considers. Yet, he says that all of them are unreal and face
    insuperable obstacles in the current conditions.

    "To overcome them requires either good will or peace-loving, which
    both sides do not have, or unilateral steps from one of the parties,
    demonstrating its good will, which is unreal so far. Today the only
    chance for the peaceful resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the
    long-term basis is a course for reconciliation of the peoples and
    rejection of the forced resolution of the problem", said Skakov.

