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Famous gymnast Albert Azaryan to carry flag of Armenian Olympic Team

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  • Famous gymnast Albert Azaryan to carry flag of Armenian Olympic Team

    Famous gymnast Albert Azaryan to carry flag of Armenian Olympic Team

    2008-05-27 16:35:00

    ArmInfo. Famous gymnast Albert Azaryan to carry flag of Armenian
    Olympic Team at the opening of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing,
    Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Armen Grigoryan said at a press
    conference Tuesday.

    He said the National Olympic Committee of Armenia completed
    organizational activities. 'The uniform of our sportsmen has been
    already ordered. A special attention will be paid also to the dress
    cloths of the Armenian delegation', the minister said.

    'Arevik Fashion Agency will provide the dress cloths for our sportsmen
    for participation in the opening of Olympic Games', he said.

    He stressed that 3 Armenian sportsmen won participation in the Olympic
    Games through the last qualifying tournament of Greco-Roman Wrestling.
    Hence, a total of 23 Armenian sportsmen will participate in the Olympic
    Games. Armenia has an opportunity to increase its participation through
    the so-called white cards issued by international sport federation for
    light athletics and swimming. 'Of course we rely on our sportsmen but
    it is untimely to speak of medals so far. Our sportsmen are ready to
    fight', he said. Grigoryan stressed that a specially set-up republican
    headquarters is responsible for both physical training of sportsmen and
    organizational issues.