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Main Points Of Medvedev's State Of The Nation Address

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  • Main Points Of Medvedev's State Of The Nation Address


    RIA Novosti
    17:55 | 05/ 11/ 2008

    MOSCOW, November 5 (RIA Novosti) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
    delivered his first state of the nation address to both houses of
    parliament on Wednesday.

    His speech to the Russian parliament was broadcast on state television
    and became the longest-ever presidential address, lasting 1 hour and
    25 minutes.

    In line with the Russian Constitution, the president annually addresses
    the Federal Assembly, comprising the Federation Council and State Duma,
    talking about the domestic situation and the key areas of Russia's
    foreign policy.

    The Russian president said in his address:

    - Georgia's military offensive on South Ossetia was a consequence of
    policies unilaterally followed by the U.S. administration

    - Russia will push for reforms to global political and economic systems

    - Russia will not give up its role in the Caucasus

    - Political and economic changes in Russia will not violate political
    freedoms and private property

    - Russia will fulfill its obligations to protect individuals' savings,
    pensions and social security

    - Russia will establish a self-sufficient financial system in the
    near future

    - pledged that the implementation of the country's strategic programs
    will continue on schedule

    - the global credit crisis is far from over, and the government and
    business must consider this factor in their planning

    - warned against attempts to ignite social and national strife amid
    the financial crisis

    - proposed guaranteeing parliamentary seats for parties that win
    between 5% and 7% of the vote

    - warned against delays in implementing the government's bailout

    - proposed to abolish election deposits in Russia

    - proposed drawing up amendments to ensure a rotation of party leaders

    - said the Internet and digital TV guarantee freedom of speech

    - proposed extending the presidential and parliamentary terms of
    office from the current four years to six and five years respectively

    - proposed a gradual reduction in the number of voter signatures
    required for parliamentary polls

    - said he would present a draft law reducing the time civil cases
    are considered by courts

    - said the Constitution plays an important role in establishing
    Russia's democracy and is a guarantee of the country's resurgence

    - urged a reduction in federal executive bodies in the regions

    - suggested granting more power to parliament, placing the activities
    of the government under the supervision of the State Duma

    - announced that 2010 will be the Year of the Teacher

    - Russia will deploy short-range Iskander missiles in its exclave of
    Kaliningrad next to Poland in response to U.S. missile plans for Europe

    - Russia has cancelled plans to take three missile regiments out
    of service in the central part of the country, in response to the
    U.S. missile shield plans for Europe

    - Russia will not be drawn into an arms race, but will continue to
    ensure the security of its citizens

    - hoped the new U.S. administration will seek better relations
    with Russia

    - the ongoing global economic crisis is no reason to nationalize
    domestic industries and banks

    - Russia has sent its proposals on reforming the global economic
    system to the G20 nations

    - Russia should adopt legislation on establishing the country as a
    global financial center by the end of the year

    - Russia will continue its efforts to settle the post-Soviet conflicts
    over Nagorny Karabakh and Transdnestr

    - Russia will use electronic warfare to counteract the U.S. missile

    - urged a switch to the ruble in payments for gas and oil supplies