05.11.2008 16:40 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ankara hosted "New architecture of South Caucasus
security after 08.08.2008" round table discussion on October 31
that brought together over 50 experts from the Caucasus region to
consider possible consequences of the armed conflict in South Ossetia
in August 2008.
The Caucasus states should launch efficient partnership in the name of
peace and stability in the region. Peculiarities of Caucasus nations
should be taken into account in the process of state-building... To
reduce the risk of new conflicts and to secure effective resolution of
the existing problems, these countries should search for alternative
principles of relations, the discussion participants said.
05.11.2008 16:40 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ankara hosted "New architecture of South Caucasus
security after 08.08.2008" round table discussion on October 31
that brought together over 50 experts from the Caucasus region to
consider possible consequences of the armed conflict in South Ossetia
in August 2008.
The Caucasus states should launch efficient partnership in the name of
peace and stability in the region. Peculiarities of Caucasus nations
should be taken into account in the process of state-building... To
reduce the risk of new conflicts and to secure effective resolution of
the existing problems, these countries should search for alternative
principles of relations, the discussion participants said.