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ANKARA: Turkey To Carefully Watch New U.S. Administration After Obam

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  • ANKARA: Turkey To Carefully Watch New U.S. Administration After Obam


    Nov 6 2008

    Turkish leaders Wednesday welcomed the election of America's first
    African-American president, as a source of hope for peace in the
    world. But the new administration's uncertain policies on a wide range
    of issues, from the alleged "genocide" of Armenians to Iran and Iraq,
    are a matter of curiosity for Ankara.

    "Your message of change and hope meets today's expectations. Turkey
    embraces this message," Turkish President Abdullah Gul said in a
    letter of congratulations he sent to U.S. President- elect Barack
    Obama. The original version of the letter was aired on the web site
    of the presidency on Wednesday.

    The president highlighted the importance of Turkish-U.S. friendship,
    based upon such universally accepted values as freedom, democracy and
    human rights, and reiterated Turkey's resolve to improve the strategic
    partnership with Washington, especially in the fight on terrorism.

    The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Turkey praised the election as a,
    "miracle of American democracy that a poor African-American, from a
    broken family, could rise to become the leader of our country."

    "That he could do so, less than 40 years after the great civil rights
    struggle of America, is especially remarkable and it is a source of
    great pride," said Ambassador Ross Wilson in brief remarks.

    UNKNOWN FUTURE On Turkish-American relations, he underlined that
    there were always changes from president to president, but also
    great continuity.

    "President after president has understood the importance of Turkey
    to the United States and of the United States to Turkey. President
    after president has engaged seriously and in a very sustained way
    with Turkish leaders for decades," Wilson said.

    But he added that he did not know what the future held.

    "Like all of you, I look forward to seeing the movie that we will be
    watching over the four years of the Obama administration. But I am
    sure that we will remain friends and remain engaged and the close
    bonds between our two countries will endure in many presidential
    terms to follow."

    The desire to reach the stars is ambitious but the desire to reach
    hearts is wise. The election campaign in the United States has shown
    that this is Obama's wisdom, said a member of a panel at the beginning
    of a long night Tuesday in the Turkish capital.

    The event was part of a traditional over-night election-watch at
    the Turkish-American Association in Ankara. The morning heralded the
    winner, the first black American leader in U.S. history.

    "The American people have expressed their desire for change," said
    Ambassador Wilson. Defeating his Republican rival, John McCain,
    Democrat candidate, Obama, was elected as the 44th president of the
    United States.

    "The election result shows there is no longer a black-white problem
    in the United States," said Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, describing
    it as a turning point in American history.

    But Obama-led policies, especially on the 1915 incidents, remain to
    be seen.

    Erdogan expressed belief that the statement Obama made during the
    election campaign would remain election rhetoric. If elected president,
    Obama had pledged to recognize the 1915 incidents.

    The Turkish premier also said foreign ministry diplomats would seek
    an opportunity to meet Obama during a visit to the United States next
    week. Erdogan will attend an economic summit in Washington on Nov. 15,
    when the current financial crisis, its causes and efforts to resolve
    it will be discussed.

    NEW LOBBY COMPANY Opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader
    Deniz Baykal sent a letter of congratulation to Obama via the
    U.S. Embassy in Ankara, said press reports.

    Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Turkey changed its lobbying
    company in the United States seven months ago, giving it to the
    Democrats. The government refused to renew the contract with Republican
    Bob Livingston last April, whose company had been lobbying against
    Armenian "genocide" resolutions.

    Analysts predicted Obama-led policies, especially on the Armenian
    issue, could be risky for the future of Turkish-American ties but
    admitted there was also room for optimism.

    "Obama could inspire hope and confidence among Turks who turned
    out to be one of the most anti-American nations during the Bush
    administration," Sanli Bahadir Koc, expert at the Center for Eurasia
    Studies, told the Hurriyet Daily News.

    "Obama is a leader who deserves credit, but a crisis over the alleged
    "genocide" could open deeper and irreparable wounds in bilateral ties,"
    he warned. "Obama is a wise and realist leader but history is full
    of mistakes made by such leaders."

    Kamer Kasim of the International Strategic Research Organization said
    he believed an Obama-led administration would engage in efforts to
    repair the deteriorated image of the United States especially in the
    Muslim world, following the Iraq war.