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Turkish Judge Publicly Criticizes Denial Of Armenian Genocide

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  • Turkish Judge Publicly Criticizes Denial Of Armenian Genocide

    By Harut Sassounian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    Armenian Genocide

    Scores of highly sympathetic articles about the Armenian Genocide
    have appeared in the Turkish press in recent months, despite Turkey's
    repressive laws that make it a crime to discuss this taboo subject.

    One such article appeared in the October 30 issue of the liberal
    newspaper Taraf. It was authored by a very unlikely writer -- Judge
    Faruk Ozsu from Odemish, near Izmir. This is probably the first time
    that a sitting Turkish judge publicly expresses such daring thoughts
    in violation of article 301 of the penal code. He criticizes and mocks
    the Turkish government's distorted version of the Armenian Genocide
    that has been fed to the public for decades.

    Judge Ozsu asserts that Turkish denialists contradict themselves by
    first denying that anything happened in 1915 and then stating that
    those killings were committed "in defense of the homeland."

    Referring to the three Turks, recently sentenced by a Swiss Court
    for denying the Armenian Genocide, Judge Ozsu writes that contrary
    to widespread Turkish misrepresentation Switzerland did not restrict
    freedom of expression, but in fact upheld human dignity. Moreover,
    he ridicules all those who claim that "from the point of view of
    freedom of expression, Turkey is more advanced that Switzerland" --
    a statement he characterizes as a hilarious comedy! In his judgment,
    those toeing the official Turkish line on the Armenian Genocide are
    "blind patriots" who accuse of treason anyone expressing the slightest
    human sensibility on this subject.

    Judge Ozsu describes himself as "a simple man who has not lost his
    conscience, despite his nationalistic education." He explains that
    since Switzerland has acknowledged 1915 as genocide, everyone in that
    country is obliged to obey the law of the land. He goes on to quote
    Elie Wiesel as saying that the denial of genocide is the continuation
    of genocide. That is why, the Judge writes, "it is mandatory that
    denial be deemed a crime."

    The Honorable Judge further contends that the denial of genocide
    is unrelated to the scholarly investigation of facts. He condemns
    French historian Gilles Weinstein and Turkish Professor Baskin Oran
    for claiming that "there are no documents proving that the killings
    were committed according to a government plan, therefore it is not
    possible to qualify these events as genocide." In the Judge's view,
    those making such comments are simply trying to save their necks from
    "the claws of article 301."

    In a direct reference to Dogu Perincek who was convicted by the Swiss
    Supreme Court last year for denying the Armenian Genocide, Judge Ozsu
    made the following observations:

    - "Perincek's association bears the name of Talaat Pasha who is viewed
    as a 'Turkish Hitler.'"

    - "Those who declare that the Armenian Genocide is 'an imperialist
    lie,' show no respect for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of
    people, but exclaim: 'Long live the Ittihadists; we were right [to
    kill the Armenians] and we can do the same thing now,' then the only
    person who will pay attention to them is a Swiss judge."

    - "Disputing the genocide, making racist statements, and praising
    the commission of a crime is now a legal issue in Switzerland, and
    not an attempt to seek the truth through scientific inquiry."

    To be sure, the Judge takes a dim view of his country's educational
    system which keeps Turks in a state of ignorance about 1915, while
    people outside Turkey, who have not had a "Turkish education," view
    things differently. Explaining that the term genocide was coined by a
    Polish-Jewish attorney named Raphael Lemkin in 1933, in the aftermath
    of the Armenian Genocide, and before the Holocaust had taken place,
    which means that "the Genocide Convention signed by Turkey was inspired
    by the Armenian Genocide."

    The Judge is particularly irate at the Turkish government's
    insensitivity toward the mass killings of Armenians. He states:
    "The official Turkish position is that during the war Armenians from
    certain regions were temporarily sent to the Southern region and
    during that period about 300,000 Armenians perished due to different
    circumstances. Any Turk who has not been through 'Turkish education'
    and has kept his conscience intact, upon hearing the 300,000 figure,
    would say, 'Oh My God' and will start thinking about that number."

    Consequently, the Judge suggests that the first thing Turks should do
    is "to state that we feel terrible regarding these events.... Those
    who died at that time were not our enemies, but our citizens. Some of
    those who died were children. No one can speak of children as enemies."

    Judge Ozsu concludes: "The Swiss Court's verdict is neither against
    democracy nor freedom of expression. Switzerland simply does not
    allow the events leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands
    of people to be characterized by racist and insensitive words that
    insult people's dignity. Switzerland simply does not allow that the
    victim be victimized for a second time!"

    Given the Turkish government's well-established record of punishing
    all factual references to the Armenian Genocide, we fear that this
    righteous judge may be dismissed from his job and even get imprisoned
    for simply telling the truth!

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress