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ANKARA: Obama Win Hurts Turkey's Leverage

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  • ANKARA: Obama Win Hurts Turkey's Leverage


    Nov 7 2008

    WASHINGTON - The landslide election victory of Barack Obama, a backer
    of Armenian causes, will diminish Turkey's ability to prevent a
    formal U.S. recognition of "Armenian genocide" claims, the largest
    U.S. Armenian group said Wednesday.

    "Starting tomorrow, the full force of the Turkish government will come
    down like a ton of bricks on Washington," Ken Hachikian, chairman
    of the Armenian National Committee, said in a written statement to
    the U.S. Armenian Community shortly after the election of Obama, the
    Democratic contender, as the next president. Obama will take office
    Jan. 20.

    Hachikian congratulated Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden,
    saying, "We endorsed Obama in January when he was fighting an uphill
    battle for his party's nomination and worked for him right through
    to tonight. We simplycould not afford another four years of the same,
    hostile anti-Armenian policies."

    When a resolution calling for official U.S. recognition of 1915
    incidents as genocide came close to a floor vote at the U.S. House
    of Representatives in October 2007, Turkey warned the legislation's
    passage would seriously harm the close U.S.-Turkish relationship in
    a lasting way.

    Efforts by the administration of President George W. Bush, a
    Republican, eventually prompted the House leadership to shelve the

    Obama woes But Obama, during his election campaign, has pledged to
    recognize the killings as genocide.

    Barack Obama told U.S Armenians last Friday he strongly supported
    the passage of the Armenian genocide resolution (pending in the House
    of Representatives and the Senate) and would recognize the Armenian
    genocide. A pledge he first voiced in January.

    Most analysts here say if Obama keeps his promise, he will cause the
    first U.S.-Turkish crisis during the next Washington administration's

    "We are almost there. The new president-elect supported Armenian issues
    in the Senate, has pledged, if elected, to recognize the Armenian
    genocide and picked a running mate with a 35-year pro-Armenian track
    record," Hachikian said.

    "We are close to the day when an American president finally ends
    nearly a century of U.S. complicity in Turkey's denials."

    The Armenian Assembly of America, the second largest U.S. Armenian
    group, also congratulated Obama on his election.