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When Medvedev's Resources Exhaust

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  • When Medvedev's Resources Exhaust


    168 Zham
    Oct 30 2008

    A tripartite meeting of the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian
    presidents will take place on 2 November in Moscow. The press services
    of both Russian and Armenian presidents reported this yesterday
    [29 October].

    "According to the arrangement achieved, a meeting between Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, devoted
    to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, will take place on 2
    November in Moscow, and Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev Enhanced
    Coverage LinkingDmitriy Medvedev -Search using: Biographies Plus News
    News, Most Recent 60 Days will take part in it," the statement of the
    press service of the Russian president says. Medvedev announced the
    intention to organize a meeting between the presidents of the three
    countries in Moscow during his visit to Yerevan last week.

    Thus, Russia has managed at least at this stage to "neutralize"
    the Western initiative in the Karabakh settlement, which is currently
    represented by "Turkish mediation". It is difficult to state definitely
    what will be the circumstances of this "turn" for Armenia. However,
    one can suppose that Russia made some concessions for Aliyev's
    participation at the Moscow meeting. (Let us recall that a possibility
    of deployment of Russian peacekeepers in the liberated territories,
    which Azerbaijan objects, is currently being discussed in the framework
    of the "Russian initiative" on the Karabakh settlement.)

    However, this does not at all mean that Turkey will give up its
    intention of mediation, or as the Armenian side says, of "assistance"
    in the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. It is not
    accidental that almost concurrent with the statement made by the
    Kremlin, the Turkish government announced a forthcoming meeting of
    the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents in Helsinki. The most painful
    thing in this situation is that in practice the Armenian government
    does not have a resource to turn down any of the sides and takes part
    in all meetings which Aliyev consents to participate in.