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American-Armenians Have Great Anticipations

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  • American-Armenians Have Great Anticipations

    Naira Khachatryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    07 Nov 08

    Director of Armenian and Karabakh office of the American National
    Congress of Armenians Arpy Vardanyan was the guest of "Urbat" club

    Many American Presidents have promised to recognize Armenian Genocide,
    during their pre-election campaign, but they have broken their
    promise, once elected as president. According to Arpy Vardanyan the
    situation is evidently different in this election: "Senator Obama,
    both as a Senator and as a presidential candidate has many times
    spoken about the Armenian Genocide and has underscored that he is
    ready to recognize that fact. And he has three times spoken about
    this during his pre-election campaign.

    This time the American Armenians hope that he will keep his
    premise. Many Armenians have voted for him. In my view this time
    there is greater probability that the US future President will keep
    his promise. If not earlier, then during the message of the President
    on April 24 everything will be clear."

    The speaker is confident that in the near future Turkish lobby will
    make their efforts double: "Even from today the Turks will work
    actively to have influence on Obama and Vice-President Joseph Baiden
    regarding the recognition of Armenian Genocide. The latter has 20
    years working experience in the Senate and is well aware of the
    Armenian Cause. He is the friend of Armenians and the Turks know this."

    Is it possible that like all the others Barrack Obama will also forget
    about his promise, very important for the Armenians. "Of course that
    version is also possible. But I must repeat, that Barrack Obama has
    many times spoken about recognizing the fact of the Genocide. Moreover
    he has mentioned that it is not a matter of choice for him. It is a
    fact that must be recognized."

    Arpy Vardanyan believes the experience of their organizations is
    enough to effectively counteract the Turkish lobby. "We have 35
    years' experience, which is very important. The American Armenians
    are very active and devoted to this issue. As regards the financial
    possibilities, especially in conditions of the recession, we must
    underscore that it is also a very important factor especially because
    we know that Turkish lobby possess great financial means. But in my
    view the devotion and the experience of the Armenian community is
    more significant.

    The Armenian National Congress of America is planning to continue its
    work with the Congressmen: "The emphases was put on the presidential
    elections. The elections of the House of Representatives also took
    place. As you know before the elections the group engaged in Armenian
    Cause, in the Congress consisted of 157 members. But the number
    has changed after the elections because some members have not been
    reelected. At present we are planning to meet with the congressmen
    and propose them to become members of that group."