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Armenian Leader On Expanding Ties With EU, Karabakh Settlement

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  • Armenian Leader On Expanding Ties With EU, Karabakh Settlement


    Armenian Public TV
    Nov 6 2008

    Excerpt from report by state-owned Armenian Public TV on 6 November

    [Presenter] We are going live to Brussels where Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan and President of the European Commission Jose Manuel
    Barroso are currently holding a joint news conference. We invite you
    to watch the news conference.

    [Passage omitted: the start of the news conference announced]

    [European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, speaking in English
    with Armenian voice-over] I had an interesting meeting with Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan. We discussed both bilateral relations and
    regional issues. Armenia is continuing to implement programmes of
    the European Union Neighbourhood Policy. I congratulated President
    Sargsyan on the reforms carried out in Armenia's economic sphere. We
    are ready to render assistance to Armenia in the implementation of
    joint programmes on financial and political cooperation.

    [Passage omitted: Barroso saying the European Union is going to send
    a working group to Armenia to help it in the implementation of reforms]

    [Manuel Barroso] We also discussed regional issues. We wish to
    establish peace in the region. This is also an important region for
    the European Union. We will do our best to pass from words to deeds. I
    welcome Armenia's positive response to Turkey's intention to establish
    stability in the Caucasus and bilateral dialogue between Yerevan and
    Ankara. This can have a positive influence on ensuring security in the
    Caucasus region, including the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict. This was the first step in settling the conflict within
    the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group.

    [Passage omitted: Barroso says Europe is also interested in the
    settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict]

    [Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan] Dear ladies and gentlemen, my first
    visit to Brussels in the capacity of president has come to an end. I
    had different meetings during my two-day visit. I am holding my last
    meeting with the president [of the European Commission Jose Manuel
    Barroso] Enhanced Coverage LinkingJose Manuel Barroso] -Search using:
    Biographies Plus News News, Most Recent 60 Days today. Prior to this,
    I met the president of the country chairing the European Union -
    France. I am happy that all the tasks set for me [during the visit]
    have been carried out. Armenia wants to integrate into Europe and we
    need help from our partners and the European Commission in order to
    achieve this. We want our European partners to create more favourable
    trading conditions for Armenia.

    [Passage omitted: Sargsyan saying Armenia wants to expand its relations
    with the European Commission]

    [Announcer] Aleksanyan, Public TV from Armenia.

    [Aleksanyan] Mr Barroso, the European Commission is currently helping
    Georgia to tackle the outcome of the August events. Armenia has
    also suffered losses from the August events which are estimated at
    about 500m dollars. Are you planning to compensate Armenia for these
    losses? Second, is the European Union going to simplify visa issuing
    procedures for Armenian citizens?

    [Manuel Barroso] We have discussed this issue with the Armenian
    president as well. We have already presented a decision by the
    commission to donors, and I told the Armenian president that we have
    also included the whole region in the project, while discussing its
    implementation in Georgia. As for simplifying visa issuing procedures,
    we are going to discuss regional projects related to this, in which
    Armenia can also be involved.

    [Passage omitted: Barroso speaking about visa issuing procedure]

    [Announcer] A correspondent of Turkish Zaman newspaper.

    [Zaman newspaper reporter] Mr President, if you receive an invitation
    from Turkey, how will you react to it? Mr Barroso, what is your
    assessment of Turkish President Abdullah Gul's visit to Armenia?

    [Sargsyan] It would be strange for me if I receive such an invitation
    from Turkey. Because, as you know, I have recently signed a declaration
    with [Azerbaijani President Ilham] Aliyev in Moscow. According to
    one of the provisions of the declaration, we agree that the Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict should be resolved in the format of the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairs. Unfortunately, Turkey is not a co-chair or member of
    the OSCE Minsk Group [as heard; Turkey is a member of the OSCE Minsk
    Group]. Despite this, I welcome any meeting with President Aliyev,
    because all meetings between us, as I can see, lead to positive
    decisions. [sentence as heard]