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Let's Wait Till April 24

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  • Let's Wait Till April 24

    Gevorg Haroutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    07 Nov 08

    Whether Obama will keep his promise

    Interview with Kiro Manoyan, person-in-charge for the 'Hay Dat'
    and Political Affairs Office of the ARFD Bureau

    "Mr. Manoyan, what changes will occur in the Armenian-American
    relations before and after January 20, when Barrack Hussein Obama
    assumes the post of the US President?"

    "Congratulating the President-elect, George Bush also reminds that
    before the 20th of January, he will be the President of the United

    This means that the incumbent President of the United States is not
    going to introduce any changes in the American foreign policy just
    because Democrat Obama was elected the US President.

    And after January 20, US President Barrack Obama will be facing
    a number of great and complex problems. In particular, an economic
    crisis which has created a lot of problems both for the United States
    and the global economy, two wars -in Iraq and Afghanistan, various
    social security problems inside the country etc.

    This picture makes it obvious that the issues concerning the Armenians
    are not going to be included in the list of Mr. Obama's priority
    tasks. At the same time, it's a fact that Obama maintained his stance
    after the Turkish President sent two delegates to the Advisors of
    presidential contenders Obama and McCain with the purpose of warning
    the latter not to make any attempt to recognize the Armenian Genocide
    after being elected a President. Obama didn't change his stance
    after receiving this warning, and this leads to the belief that the
    President-elect has a serious attitude to his pre-election promise.

    Another evidence of this is the concern observed in the leading circles
    of Turkey. The thing is that, violating all the norms of ethics
    of international relations, Turkish Prime Minister Erdoghan hinted
    in his congratulatory address to Mr. Obama that he hoped the newly
    elected President would not keep the promise given to the US citizens.

    Fortunately, the Armenian President's congratulatory message also
    contains hints on Mr. Obama's pre-election promise. Using a more
    diplomatic language, Serge Sargsyan introduced the expectations of
    Armenia, as well as underlined the US President-elect's stance on
    the issues arousing interest among the Armenians.

    As to what developments will occur in the Armenian-American relations
    largely depends on Obama. However, there are other factors as
    well. The majority of the members of Congress are Democrats, so if
    Obama recognizes the Armenian Genocide, the Congress will not have
    to adopt a resolution.

    Before this, the Resolution of the Congress was a requirement that
    would help appeal to President Bush with a demand to characterize
    the 1915 events as Genocide while delivering his April 24 address
    and making further steps in the sphere of foreign policy.

    Such process of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide will suffer
    the consequences of a negative impact should any of the parties make
    negligent steps in the process of the formation of the Armenian-Turkish
    relations. In particular, that may happen in case of setting up a
    body dealing with the discussion of the historical facts. The thing is
    that from the moment of its inception till the end of its activities,
    Turkey will do its best to delay the activities of such body, and in
    the meantime, speculate the issue of its existence.

    If the issue of the Genocide becomes a subject of discussion with
    the participation of the Armenian side, Obama will not be able to
    keep his promise. If no such body is set up, Turkey may squander
    threats. However, it was long ago that Obama warned Turkey to be ready
    and not to be taken aback when the US President recognized the fact
    of the Armenian Genocide."