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Levon Ter-Petrosian: Start Of Nagorno Karabakh Settlement Final Stag

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  • Levon Ter-Petrosian: Start Of Nagorno Karabakh Settlement Final Stag


    Noyan Tapan
    Nov 7, 2008

    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 7, NOYAN TAPAN. Though many formed an impression that
    the joint declaration signed by the Presidents of Russia, Armenia,
    and Azerbaijan on November 2 has a formal nature and is deprived of
    concrete contents, however, according to first RA President Levon
    Ter-Petrosian, people not familiar with the nuances of the Nagorno
    Karabakh settlement process can form such a wrong impression. While,
    as L. Ter-Petrosian mentioned in his interview to A1+, for experts,
    the declaration is, on the contrary, too eloquent, as several concrete
    moments and moments of principle are clarifed in it.

    According to the first RA President, the document is only the
    top of the iceberg, and a much more detailed protocol lays under
    it. Presenting the latter's content he said:

    "1. The very first point of the declaration contains an alarming
    formulation, according to which "the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will
    be solved on the basis of principles and norms of international law,
    as well as of decisions and documents adopted within the framework of
    them." The diplomatic expression regarding "principles and norms of
    international law" is not so alarming as the mentioning of "decisions
    and documents adopted within the framework of them." By the latters,
    no doubt, by Azerbaijan's demand, Resolutions of UN General Assembly N
    62/243 and of PACE N 1614 are meant, in which Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity is recognized and unreserved withdrawal of Armenian troops
    from Azeri territories bordering upon Nagorno Karabakh is demanded.

    2. Moscow declaration's Point 2 unequivocally records that the Madrid
    principle of November 29, 2007 of Minsk Group co-chairmanship will
    be laid in the basis of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement. <...> I
    will remind that the idea of Madrid proposal is combination of two
    principles of international law, territorial integrity and nations'

    3. In fact, a new format of conflict sides is determined in
    declaration's preface and Point 4, in which the necessity to solve
    the Nagorno Karabakh problem through a direct dialogue proceeding
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia is mentioned. Thus, the declaration
    finally buries the decision made by the 1994 OSCE Budapest summit,
    under which Nagorno Karabakh Republic was recognized as a third
    conflict party enjoying full rights. And it means that NKR will have
    no role in the further process of negotiations deciding its fate.

    4. However, the most important result of Moscow declaration should
    be considered the fact that the two conflict parties established by
    the new format, Armenia and Azerbaijan, by signing that document,
    officially gave a consent to the Madrid proposal, which is an
    unprecedented event in the whole process of Nagorno Karabakh
    settlement. The point is that the previous three official proposals
    of Minsk Group co-chairmanship, "package," "stage-by-stage,"
    and "common state" were not unanimously approved by the conflict
    sides and therefore were removed from the agenda. The "package" and
    "stage-by-stage" variants were rejected by Nagorno Karabakh and the
    variant of a "common state" by Azerbaijan. Thus, by the signatures
    of Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev under Moscow declaration the start
    of Nagorno Karabakh settlement final stage is announced."

    In response to the question of whether Russia's initiative does not
    contradict the thought expressed in his last speech that it is the West
    that will play a decisive part in the Nagorno Karabakh settlement, L.

    Ter-Petrosian said: "Not at all. Though Moscow meeting is indeed
    turning, yet it is only the start of the settlement process. Now
    that process continues in Europe and in all probability, will finish
    in December in the United States. Thus, though outwardly the honor
    of launching the settlement is given to Russia, nevertheless the
    prerogative to finish the settlement will belong to the West. Both
    Sargsyan and Aliyev took part in Moscow meeting if not forcedly, then
    at least with unconcealed reluctance, and all the same, though from
    different considerations, after all they will prefer the mediation
    of the West."

    As regards the necessity to continue the activity of OSCE Minsk
    Group, which is mentioned in the declaration, according to
    the first RA President, the more the necessity of Minsk Group's
    activity is emphasized and the more compliments addressed to it are
    lavished, the more the suspicions on disagreements within the group
    deepen. L. Ter-Petrosian affirmed that Minsk Group being a useful
    working instrument is no more than an outward veil to ensure the
    diplomatic propriety of the goals pursued by the country-mediators.