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ANCA-WR pleased with CA Assembly and Senate election results

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  • ANCA-WR pleased with CA Assembly and Senate election results

    ANCA-WR community pleased with CA Assembly and Senate election results
    08.11.2008 11:55

    The Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region (ANCA-WR)
    congratulates all reelected and newly elected members of California's
    State Assembly and Senate. With several dozen supporters returning and
    many friends new to the legislature heading to Sacramento next month,
    ANCA-WR community advocates throughout the state look forward to
    working swiftly with its state representatives as the new legislative
    cycle begins.

    From the southern California and San Joaquin Valley, outspoken friends
    returning to the capital next month include Assembly Members Anthony
    Portantino, Mike Feuer, Kevin de Leon, Van Tran, Mary Salas, Mike
    Villines as well as newly elected State Senator Mimi Walters. Joining
    them in Sacramento will be newly elected Assembly Member Bob
    Blumenfield who will be replacing the termed-out Lloyd Levine
    representing the west San Fernando Valley.

    Assembly Member Paul Krekorian returns to Sacramento next month
    representing part of Los Angeles along with Burbank and Glendale as one
    of two Armenian Americans in the legislature. He is joined by Senator
    Joe Simitian who won his re-election bid to represent San Mateo, Santa
    Clara and Santa Cruz.

    "We are proud to see Assembly Member Krekorian continue his service to
    our district and state," noted Garen Yegparian, a Burbank resident and
    activist with the local ANCA. "Since being elected in 2006, he has
    taken on strong leadership roles within the major committees of the
    Assembly while driving legislation that improves the quality of life
    for all Californians ` especially with regard to schools and the
    environment," he added.

    Returning to the state capital next month with Krekorian is former
    Assembly Member Carol Liu who won her race to succeed Senator Jack
    Scott who completes his eight-year service in the Senate this year.

    "Senator Scott was a true leader on human rights. He served as a
    distinguished member of the state's upper house and helped build strong
    relationships between Armenia and California. We wish him well as
    returns to academia as the Chancellor of the state's community college
    system," remarked Souzi Zerounian-Khanzadian, ANCA-WR Board Member. "We
    look forward to continuing to address these issues with another
    long-time friend of the Armenian American community, Senator-elect
    Carol Liu, as she prepares to carry the torch passed on by Senator
    Scott," she added.

    California State Assembly Speaker Karen Bass retained her seat and will
    continue to lead the chamber in the next cycle. The ANCA-WR joined the
    speaker this past June for her inauguration ceremonies where she
    reiterated her support for greater education about the Armenian
    Genocide and growing the engagement Californian Armenians in public

    In northern California, the ANCA-WR community welcomed the Election Day
    results as well.

    "We are excited to see Assembly Members Huffman and Ma heading back to
    the capital as well as Mark Leno as he moves from the Assembly to the
    Senate," said Matt Senekeremian, local director of the San Francisco
    Bay Area ANCA who says a top priority is to connect more Armenian
    Americans in the area with their representatives both in district and
    in Sacramento. "We have worked with San Francisco Supervisor Tom
    Ammiano for the past fifteen years and look forward to continuing to do
    so as he moves onto the state legislature," he added.

    Over 99% of ANCA endorsed candidates for California Senate and Assembly
    seats won their Election Day bids. The new legislature will be sworn in
    on December 1, 2008 in Sacramento.

    The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
    influential Armenian American grassroots political organization.
    Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and
    supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations
    around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the
    Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.