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PACE Pres Urges Armenian, Azeri Leaders to Continue Dialogue on NK

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  • PACE Pres Urges Armenian, Azeri Leaders to Continue Dialogue on NK (press release), OR
    Nov 5 2008

    PACE President Urges Armenian, Azeri Leaders to Continue Dialogue on

    Wednesday, November 05, 2008 8:57 PM

    (Source: Daily News Bulletin; Moscow - English)BAKU. Nov 5 (Interfax)
    - Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) President Lluis
    Maria de Puig has called on the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia to
    continue dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    problem, the Council of Europe said in a statement. "I wish to
    congratulate Presidents Aliyev and Sarksyan, and President Medvedev,
    who facilitated the meeting, on their commitment to finding a peaceful
    solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The start of this dialogue,
    which will be followed by intensified diplomatic efforts and the
    promotion of a series of confidence- building measures, is a window of
    hope for the entire region," the statement quoted de Puig as saying.

    He said a political solution to the conflict "in compliance with
    international standards and principles and the commitments which the
    two states made upon joining the Council of Europe [] is now closer
    than ever."

    "The Parliamentary Assembly stands ready to help the Parliaments of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan in all their efforts so that the process just
    started proves successful," he said.

    It was reported earlier that the president of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and
    Russia signed a declaration on settling the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict
    in Moscow on November 2.

    (c) 2008 Daily News Bulletin; Moscow - English

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress