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Bush's Legacy: Autocracy In Azerbaijan

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  • Bush's Legacy: Autocracy In Azerbaijan

    Sinead Walsh

    Trinity News orld-review/350-bushs-legacy-autocracy-in-azerbaij an
    Nov 10 2008

    The US presidential race is run and the question on most people's
    lips is whether or not George W. Bush intends to go out with a bang;
    with the recent raid on Syria having fuelled much speculation on
    the subject. Well, here's one of his plans, revealed in a letter
    written to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev which was published
    on the website on October 28: "In the coming few months
    we will strive for deepening the bilateral partnership and friendly
    relations between our countries. In particular, we hope for further
    advancement towards our goals in the sphere of global energy security
    and attainment of agreements on basic principles of the resolution
    of Nagorno Karabakh conflict."

    Given that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev beat Mr. Bush in the
    race to host Mr. Aliyev and his Armenian counterpart in talks aimed
    at preventing the frozen Karabakh conflict from escalating into a
    South Ossetia-style crisis, Bush is left with one priority - draining
    Azerbaijan of all the oil he can get and shoring up NATO influence
    in the region, while turning a blind eye to political realities in
    the Caucasian country sandwiched between Russia, Turkey and Iran;
    and faced with a staggering refugee and IDP (internally displaced
    persons) problem.

    The occasion of Bush's foray into the sophisticated world of
    letter-writing was Mr. Aliyev's re-inauguration as president following
    elections on October 15. According to official statistics, 3,232,259
    people - that is to say, over 87% of the 75% of the electorate who
    showed up at polling stations - voted for Mr. Aliyev. Not one of
    his six rivals received even three percent of the vote. The main
    opposition parties all boycotted the elections in protest against what
    the the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe(OSCE)
    called a "lack of robust competition and vibrant political discourse
    facilitated by the media". All in all, a pretty poor return on attempts
    to democratize the post-Communist country. But nonetheless, Mr. Bush
    saw fit to congratulate Mr. Aliyev on the results and even express
    his support for efforts at "strengthening democratic institutions".

    It's hard to imagine any of Mr. Bush's Cold War predecessors
    sending a similar letter to Mr. Aliyev's father, Heydar, a man
    who ruled Azerbaijan for over thirty years in both its Soviet and
    post-Soviet form. In 2003, the dying Mr. Heydar transferred power to
    his son in an election which was characterized by violence and other
    violations of democratic norms. Since then, Mr. Ilham has cashed in
    on his father's legacy, sponsoring a cult known to its critics as
    Heydarism. Everywhere one goes in Azerbaijan - after one's arrival at
    the Heydar Aliyev airport - one finds Heydar Aliyev streets, Heydar
    Aliyev squares, Heydar Aliyev monuments, Heydar Aliyev schools,
    libraries and cultural centres. Along the roadsides, Heydar smiles
    down from enormous billboards, occasionally accompanied by his son in
    pictures of the two of them gazing out over building sites in Baku
    and oil rigs in the Caspian, or enjoying a talk in an impressive
    looking office. I was lucky enough to be in Baku to celebrate what
    would have been Heydar's 85th birthday - had he lived. The cult of
    personality surrounding Mr. Heydar - and, by extension, his son -
    reminded me irresistibly of the traces of the cult to Lenin that
    remain indelibly marked on Russian towns. The difference being that
    the Lenin cult is so old it has become a quaint sort of novelty,
    whereas Heydarism is terrifyingly current.

    A few stories from the past twelve months serve to demonstrate the
    limited reach of efforts to democratize the Azerbaijani media. This
    time last year, members of the Azadliq (Freedom) opposition block and
    independent media representatives were on hunger strike, protesting
    their lack of a free press. At the time, journalist Eynulla Fatullayev
    had just been sentenced to eight and a half years in prison on
    charges of threatening terrorism, inciting racial hatred, and tax
    evasion. This followed an article he had written suggesting that
    Azerbaijan would be at risk in the event of U.S. military strikes
    in Iran, and implying that the authorities were obstructing the
    investigation into the murder of Elmar Husseynov, the editor of the
    Russian language newspaper Monitor who was assassinated in 2005. Part
    of the evidence against Fatullayev was an article posted online in
    his name, but which he denies having written, accusing Azerbaijani
    troops of participating in the 1992 killings of inhabitants of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh town of Khojali.

    In December 2007 Mr. Aliyev pardoned five out of the eight journalists
    then facing jail (Mr. Fatullayev wasn't one of them). However, the
    following March, courts went on to sentence Ganimat Zahidov, editor
    of the Azadliq newspaper, to four years in prison for "deliberately
    causing light injuries" and "hooliganism". Key witnesses were
    prevented from testifying at his trial. In his final speech, he made
    the following statement: "The mind of the 21st century calls on the
    state to be the locomotive of progress and direct the community
    towards the most progressive ideas. We live in Azerbaijan and we
    are engaged in media activities. We do our best to establish the
    traditions of media in our country in a way which will correspond to
    international standards. But we have to do that taking the risk of
    death, being beaten half-dead, or arrested because of the articles
    we wrote. Why? Why does the logic of the 17th century shows up to
    this degree in the present governance of Azerbaijan?"

    The run-up to October's election was notable for Ilham Aliyev's -
    and the late Heydar's - dominance of the media, and a general sense of
    fatigue amongst the opposition. Following the election, the opposition
    also cancelled protest rallies after being denied permission to
    assemble by authorities in Baku, no doubt remembering the widespread
    arrests and beatings that followed the fraudulent 2003 election. Then
    on November 1st it was announced that the State Council for Television
    and Radio Broadcasting intended to put a stop to local broadcasts by
    Radio Liberty, Voice of America and the BBC. The body's chairman said
    that it was now policy to broadcast only programs of national origin,
    adding that these stations would remain accessible by satellite,
    cable and Internet. Bearing in mind that in their 2007 report,
    which classified Azerbaijan as not free, Freedom House estimated that
    only 10% of the population has Internet access, this will be another
    significant strike against the media in Azerbaijan if it comes to pass.

    Through all of this, Elmar Husseynov's murder has remained unsolved.

    Along with the bigger headaches inherited from the Bush administration,
    Mr. Obama will also have to deal with the problems posed by states such
    as the overlooked, oil-rich, illiberal and uncompromisingly nationalist
    Azerbaijan. It may be that Azerbaijan will remain an overlooked ally
    of the oil-hungry superpower, just as it was in Clinton's day. Or
    it may be that Mr. Obama will push Mr. Aliyev closer to Moscow,
    sacrificing a strategic foothold in the Caucasus to criticize the
    increasingly repressive Aliyev dynasty.

    It should prove interesting. After all, they say you should judge a
    man by how he treats his servants, not his equals.