Noyan Tapan
Nov 10, 2008
KAPAN, NOVEMBER 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The majority of the 1,526 employees
of Deno Gold Mining Company (former Kapan Ore Mining and Processing
Enterprise) went on a without-time-limit strike on November
8. The reason was the statement of the enterprise director Robert
Falletta that because of a fall in the prices of precious metals
in international market, it is envisaged reducing the number of the
company's staff by 60%, while the wages of the remaining employees -
by 40%.
The strike committee created on the initiative of the trade union
chairman Surik Tumanian submitted the demands of the employees to
the management of the enterprise. "In case of nonfulfilment of the
following points: maintaining the jobs, keeping the wages at the
current level, and ensuring normal working conditions, we will demand
resignation of you and your management," is said in the letter of
demands that the srike committee handed to R. Falletta. According
to the strike committee, R, Falletta did not promise to filfil the
indicated points and ruled out his resignation.
It is noteworthy that in late October the management of Deno Gold
Mining Company announced that starting from December 13, a staff
reduction (148 people) is planned, while the contracts of another
200 employees will not be extended.
By instructions of the Armenian prime minister, the minister of energy
and natural resources Armen Movsisian, the minister of labor and
social issues Armen Hambartsumian and the minister of economy Nerses
Yeritsian went to Kapan, Kajaran and Agarak in order to familiarize
themselves with the situation in mining industry.
Noyan Tapan
Nov 10, 2008
KAPAN, NOVEMBER 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The majority of the 1,526 employees
of Deno Gold Mining Company (former Kapan Ore Mining and Processing
Enterprise) went on a without-time-limit strike on November
8. The reason was the statement of the enterprise director Robert
Falletta that because of a fall in the prices of precious metals
in international market, it is envisaged reducing the number of the
company's staff by 60%, while the wages of the remaining employees -
by 40%.
The strike committee created on the initiative of the trade union
chairman Surik Tumanian submitted the demands of the employees to
the management of the enterprise. "In case of nonfulfilment of the
following points: maintaining the jobs, keeping the wages at the
current level, and ensuring normal working conditions, we will demand
resignation of you and your management," is said in the letter of
demands that the srike committee handed to R. Falletta. According
to the strike committee, R, Falletta did not promise to filfil the
indicated points and ruled out his resignation.
It is noteworthy that in late October the management of Deno Gold
Mining Company announced that starting from December 13, a staff
reduction (148 people) is planned, while the contracts of another
200 employees will not be extended.
By instructions of the Armenian prime minister, the minister of energy
and natural resources Armen Movsisian, the minister of labor and
social issues Armen Hambartsumian and the minister of economy Nerses
Yeritsian went to Kapan, Kajaran and Agarak in order to familiarize
themselves with the situation in mining industry.