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ANKARA: Barroso Hopes Gul's Visit Heralds Dialogue

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  • ANKARA: Barroso Hopes Gul's Visit Heralds Dialogue


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 8 2008

    Hailing a landmark visit to Yerevan by President Abdullah Gul in
    September, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso has
    encouraged Turkey to take further steps to pave the way for concrete
    rapprochement between estranged neighbors Armenia and Turkey.

    In an annual progress report released earlier this week, the EU had
    praised Gul's visit to Yerevan at the invitation of his Armenian
    counterpart, Serzh Sarksyan. During the one-day visit, which made Gul
    the first ever Turkish president to visit Armenia, Gul and Sarksyan
    watched a World Cup qualifying match between the national teams of the
    two countries. "President Gul's visit was a very important initiative,"
    Barroso was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency at a joint
    press conference held with Sarksyan in Brussels on Thursday.

    "I believe that there is need for more gestures in the region. I hope
    this initiative does not remain only a visit and that it becomes the
    beginning of a true dialogue," Barroso added, while acknowledging
    that problems between Armenia and Turkey were "sometimes difficult,
    dramatic and very sensitive." However, he said, the two parties could
    overcome problems by showing political courage.

    Barroso also voiced satisfaction over the fact that Armenia had
    responded positively to Ankara's proposal for a Caucasus Stability
    and Cooperation Platform to promote dialogue between the countries
    of that region. "The ongoing exchange of views between Yerevan and
    Ankara will have a positive impact on the security of the Caucasian
    region -- including the Nagorno-Karabakh issue," he said.
