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"If We Elect A Mayor That Is Not The End Of The World"

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  • "If We Elect A Mayor That Is Not The End Of The World"

    Karine Asatryan

    [08:18 pm] 10 November, 2008

    The President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of
    the Council of Europe, Yavuz Mildon, will soon arrive in Armenian
    on an official visit. The Congress is one of the three CoE political

    November 10 marks Day of Local Government in Armenia. Mr. Mildon has
    issued a congratulatory message on this occasion.

    "The Congress welcomes the initiative of the Communities' Association
    and the Government of Armenia to celebrate Day of Local Government,
    on 10 November 2008, and mark it with joint activities raising public
    awareness of the importance and workings of local governance. "It is
    a symbolic occasion to show the continuity of action for the benefit
    of communities in Armenia, reaffirm the commitment to local democracy
    and awaken people's activism," he said, adding that Day of Local
    Government fit perfectly with the European Local Democracy Week.

    Note, the Congress had deployed 10 observers to monitor the local
    elections of September 28 in Yerevan's communities of Kentron, Nor
    Nork, Nork-Marash, Davitashen and Shengavit. Another 13 observers
    watched the local elections in the marzes of Armavir, Lori and Tavush
    on October 19.

    A1+ tried to know Yavuz Mildon's opinion about Armenian elections to
    self-government bodies.

    Local elections in Armenia are long processes because they don't take
    place on the same day. We have observed part of these elections. It
    seems that the elections are in line with the requirements of the
    Council of Europe but, as I have already mentioned, we have observed
    only a part. So, we are waiting for the end and only then we shall
    share our opinion. But remember that there is a positive evaluation
    for the organisation of the elections in Armenia although there are
    some concerns about the staff of electors, voters and some concerns
    about Election Day. Anyway, it is going on in a positive way. But I
    would like to mention that there is no protect democracy for sure that
    there are some impacts or some concerns. But I believe that they will
    better in future. I would also like to remind that Armenia has to stay
    in line with the standards of the Council of Europe, it means with the
    decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. At the Congress we are
    following the situation, our reporters are following the development
    of local and regional democracy in Armenia and after the elections,
    for sure, after establishing new municipal councils in all regional
    and mostly local entities, we shall stay in contact with the local
    representatives and government of Armenia.

    Is it possible to use e-voting in Armenia taking into consideration
    the election processes in the country?

    Everything is possible. E-voting is even possible in some big
    countries and in old democracies. I think that e-voting is possible
    everywhere, also in local elections. For me the most important is
    the confidentiality of the vote. Confidentiality should be guaranteed
    during the whole voting process. When the voter takes the ballot paper
    from the election commission and goes to the cabin and then to the
    polling box he should be aware of the confidentiality of the vote. He
    doesn't have to show for which party or candidate he has voted for as
    this confidentiality is not preserved during the whole process. So,
    in e-democracy it will be easier to achieve the secrecy of the vote
    and we have to be well aware of the confidentiality of the vote. I
    think that in future e-voting can also be applied in Armenia. Why not?

    Mayor of Yerevan City is elective today. What is your opinion on this?

    But I have some information from Armenia that the post will be elective
    in Yerevan in future. A non-elective mayor is incompliant with the
    standards of the CoE and even with the standards of the European
    Charter of Local Self-Government. We hope that it will be in line
    very soon and, in that way, the system of local democracy will be in
    line with the CoE. If the mayor of Yerevan is not elective it will
    be a big concern regarding the local democracy in Armenia because
    Yerevan is the capital city and the capital needs an elected mayor.

    And what is your advice to our authorities with regard to election
    processes? What steps should they take to better electoral processes?

    I would like to talk about the post-election period. After the
    elections when we elect a mayor that is not the end of the world. So,
    we elect a mayor and after that we have to give him some competences
    and some financial resources. It is very important. Then we shall
    watch the situation in Armenia to see if the municipalities have
    financial support of the government and financial opportunities for
    the functioning of local systems because without financial resources
    nothing is possible. For that reason I hope that in Armenia the
    financial opportunities for the local entities will be in line with
    that of other countries of the Council of Europe as in that way the
    mayors and the local representatives will become the closest people
    to citizens. As to the principle of popularity they have to help the
    citizens in the post role. Therfore, I say they need some financial

    The lowest voter turnout in Armenia was registered during the recent
    local elections. What is your opinion? What should we do to stimulate

    That is not the case only in Armenia. That is the case in many
    countries. Of course, it is a concern for the Congress. We are working
    in that connection. We are trying to convince the governments and
    the local bodies to share their activities with the people and to
    establish a system and to convince the local people to be involved
    in that system on a local and national level. The problem is that if
    people think their vote is not decisive, that is not their vote. For
    that reason we have to convince people that their voting will be a plus
    and to share our activities with people. Then we need to inform our
    citizens regularly, not only during election campaigns but constantly,
    about the functioning of local systems. I think that in future if we
    share our activities and inform them of voting processes there will
    be a big majority of people to vote.