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New Energetic Situation In South Caucasus

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  • New Energetic Situation In South Caucasus

    Armen Manvelyan

    "Noravank" Foundation
    10 November 2008

    The political situation after South Ossetian war in South Caucasus
    changed which influenced the security of the energy supply. West
    changed its former opinion about the region. The countries of the
    region, for which the status of energy supplier is of strategic
    importance, begin looking for new ways of strengthening their former
    position. The issue of energy supply has become actual for Europe as
    well, which thinks about paving new ways to export energy carriers
    from the Caspian Sea Basin. The role of Iran rises, as, as a matter
    of fact, it is the only country which has enough energy carriers
    and is able to become the only alternative to weaken Europe's energy
    dependence on Russia.

    Under the new conditions Turkey tries to carry out independent policy
    stressing up its role as a transit country from east to west. Thus,
    the program NABUCCO financed by Europe acquires a new significance as
    new obstacles are posed on its way of realization. Let's mention that
    according to this program financed by a number of EU member-states,
    a gas carrier is to be constructed to transport gas from Iran and
    the Middle East to Europe through Turkey.

    Azerbaijan has long been interested in this program aiming at joining
    the project and sending to the pipeline its gas from Shahdeniz

    Let's mention that the Agreement about the construction of the gas
    pipeline costing $5 billion was signed in 2007 in Vienne by the
    ministers of Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania and Austria1. It is
    expected that the gas pipeline construction is to begin this year,
    and from 2011 it is to work with all its capacity.

    The program has some contradictions not only with Russia and
    the US. The United States is against exporting gas from Iran to
    Europe through the territory of Turkey and prefers "dealing with"
    Azerbaijani gas trying to convince its European colleagues to bye
    gas from Azerbaijan.

    Let's remind that in winter 2007 British Petroleum and StatOil
    companies announced about the first phase of gas extraction from
    Shahdeniz gas-fields2. According to Azerbaijani specialists, the
    capacity of gas extraction till the end of this year will make 22
    million cubic meters a day, 14 million out of which may be exported. In
    spite of the fact that this extent is not enough, however, official
    Baku is ready to join the program.

    South Ossetian war has considerably changed Europeans' opinion about
    energy issues. In particular, it is already clear that the Azerbaijani
    gas can not be the alternative of the Russian one not only because
    of its small extent, but also because of instability in Georgia.

    Today new suggestions and standpoints are studied for realization of
    NABUCCO program, in particular, according to Â"The Christian Science
    MonitorÂ", Russia is very much interested in the program as it wants
    to export Russian gas through the gas pipeline3. According to the
    journal, this alternative is more pragmatic than the previously
    suggested ones. However, in this case as well the main objective is
    not reached - the objective of crating alternatives of Russian energy
    carriers. Let's remind that Russia is connected with Turkey with the
    gas pipeline "Blue Stream," which, however, doesn't work at full power,
    i.e. if needed, this gas pipeline may be connected up with NABUCCO,
    and the Russian gas will flow to Europe.

    However, as it has already been mentioned, under such
    conditions Europe's dependence on Russian energy carriers only
    raises. Accordingly, the political significance of constructing
    NABUCCO is lost. The only way to neutralize the Russian factor,
    according to the project sponsors, is involving Iran into the project.

    According to many experts, the recent improvements in Turkish-Iranian
    relations are connected with this very issue. The visit of Iran's
    president Ahmadinejad to Ankara and his reception on the highest level
    has not only resulted Washington's dissatisfaction but has also formed
    an opinion in the whole West that Turkey aspires at expediting NABUCCO
    program realization and Iran is the main exporter of gas in this
    program. Besides, in his regional policy Turkey's present leader tries
    to accentuate its independence of Washington and energy importance
    for Europe - as the alternative of the Russian one. It is clear that
    Iran also tries to make use of the present situation. After the last
    war in Caucasus a chance has been provided for Iran to increase its
    significance to the maximum as the alternative country-supplier of
    energy. Iran's Energy Minister Gholam Nozari has announced that the
    objective of his country is to possibly extend its relations with
    the Russian energy Giant "Gazprom." Nozary suggests carrying out gas
    exchange: to get it in the north and, instead of it, put out gas (in
    corresponding extent) from the gas-field located in the south of the
    country4. Let's mention that in its time it was suggested to organize
    such an exchange through the gas pipeline Nika-Ray constructed by
    Iran connecting the Caspian Port Nika with the oil-refining factory
    located not far from Teheran. Today, making use of the complicated
    situation, Iran tries to give importance to its country in exporting
    energy carriers from the Caspian Sea Basin. Let's also mention that
    under the conditions of Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline's inactivity and the
    crisis in Georgia, the Azerbaijani oil has also began flowing to the
    south - through the territory of Iran to the international market.

    In this way Iran tries to get possibly more dividends to suggest its
    own territory as an alternative and make use of transit privileges. At
    the same time, Iran wages a struggle to make its role more active
    in NABUCCO program which is becoming of strategic importance for
    Europeans. However, let's mention that the US is against the program
    of involving Iran into the program and suggests the Azerbaijani gas as
    an alternative. During his visit to Baku the US Vice-President Dick
    Cheney made this issue the topic of active discussions. After a trip
    to Europe he appeared with an interesting announcement, in particular
    suggesting to invite Armenia along with Georgia and Azerbaijan to the
    energy summit to be held in November5. i.e. after the South-Ossetian
    conflict Armenia is considered in the west as an alternative energy
    corridor through the territory of which energy may be supplied to the
    west in case of new aggravations in Georgia. These talks became more
    concrete after the president of Turkey's visit (to Armenia) when the
    issue of Gyumri-Kars railroad relaunching seems to have become more
    realistic. It is also to be reminded that after his visit to Yerevan,
    Turkey's Foreign Minister Ali Babajan in his interview to "Rayters"
    also mentioned Armenia's role as a possible alternative country for
    energy supply.
