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Settlement Presupposes Complex Approach

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  • Settlement Presupposes Complex Approach

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    11 Nov 08

    Yesterday, the National Assembly convened its regular four-day session.

    While several MPs were discussing the issues included in the agenda,
    the recent and possible developments over the Karabakh issue were
    being discussed behind the doors of the session hall.

    Below we present the views of RAFFI HOVHANNISYAN, the de facto
    leader of "Heritage" faction, with regard to the Moscow (Minedorf)
    Declaration signed by the Armenia, Russian and Azeri Presidents,
    the Madrid Principles and the Armenian-Turkish relations.

    "Mr. Hovhannisyan, how do you estimate the trilateral declaration
    signed by the Presidents? Are the rumors on the hazards and traps
    lying behind the document justified?"

    "I wouldn't like to make any comments upon the Declaration. After
    the rejection of 'Heritage' faction's bill on the recognition of
    Karabakh, I have very little to add in this connection. I find that the
    initiative was proper both in terms of its contents and the choice of
    time, and anyone who has a realistic mentality as well as an ability
    to accept his own responsibility realizes that this step should have
    been made before the train of the 'recognitions' had passed.

    I think it is necessary to speak about the subject matter of the issue
    rather than the reflections of the Declaration. The declaration signed
    by the Presidents is an interim document; what troubles me more is
    the reality reflected in it.

    Anyway, I hope that Armenia can change the model of the policy it
    has adopted with regard to the settlement of the conflict and the
    Karabakh issue, making the real and common national interests a basis
    for conflict settlement. I haven't seen the official document, but
    judging by what is being circulated in the press, I think that the
    Madrid Principles are not acceptable. I wonder how any authority can
    assume it as a basis for negotiations. It concerns all the Presidents
    who inherited from one another the approaches that are presently
    known as 'Madrid principles'."

    "What especially is unacceptable? Do you mean the issue of returning
    the territories?"

    "Not only the territories. I also mean the complex of issues concerning
    security, the unilateral return of the refugees and the status. In
    general, I have said on one occasion and have to state once again that
    in the long run, it is impossible to settle the Karabakh conflict
    without the regulation of the Armenian-Turkish relations. Those
    relations have to be regulated in consideration of all aspects,
    i.e. history, historical heritage, contacts, migrants and why not,

    The questions touched upon in the frameworks of the Karabakh
    peace process should also be put on the table in the context of
    the Armenian-Turkish relations. For instance, if we speak about the
    migrants, the re-opening of the communication channels and territories,
    that should apply to all the parties. When the time comes, all the
    migrants, regardless their ethnic background, should be able to return
    to the places where they or their ancestors lived. This is the first
    thing to say.

    The second thing is that, whenever there are discussions over the
    return of the regions forming a security zone around Karabakh, it is
    necessary to remember about Western Armenia as well. Whenever there
    are discussions over the trilateral meeting with the participation of
    the Azerbaijani Armenian and Turkish parties - an initiative that will
    very probably be proposed by Turkey, the leaders of Turkey, Armenia
    and Azerbaijan should openly introduce all the issues, using political
    and civilized methods if, of course, that initiative is aimed at
    revealing all the problems that separate the parties from one another.

    If the Presidents are ready for that, it's very good. If they have
    trust for one another and really want stability, security and peace
    in the region, let them have a meeting in the trilateral format and
    put the issues on the table as a whole complex.

    But to separate one section from the general complex and speak about
    the unilateral return of the Azerbaijani refugees is, to my mind,

    We have hundreds and thousands of Armenian migrants, a great number
    of Armenian communities, villages, settlements that are under the
    control of Azerbaijan, i.e. seized by the country. It is necessary
    to guarantee their return to their former places of residence. If
    that isn't done, it will mean that the common rights of Artsakh and
    the Azerbaijani-Armenians are being ignored."

    "What about the Armenian party's attitude towards the regulation
    of the Armenian-Turkish relations by opening the border and only
    then holding an interstate discussion over the problematic issues,
    including those which are most sensitive? Can't they be discussed
    within the frameworks of the talks?"

    The border was unilaterally closed by Turkey. It is a violation of
    international law, a manifestation of hostility. The re-opening of
    the border which was unilaterally closed should not be viewed as a
    subject of bargaining or a source of extorting additional concessions
    from Armenia. Let them be kind enough to respect international law
    and the same Kars Treaty adopted by Turkey and Russia for demarcating
    the eastern border, and let them open the border in accordance with
    the principles and norms of the same international law.

    The opening of the border is certainly an essential issue, but I
    repeat that it shouldn't result from negotiations or bargaining. If
    Turkey has closed the border, it should open it itself, without any

    "According to some 'predictions', the Karabakh issue is, in principle,
    resolved, and before the end of the year, Armenia and Azerbaijan
    will have to sign an agreement without considering the opinion of
    the people of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. They have even 'decided'
    that the historic event will take place in the United States. Is the
    problem really close to its solution?"

    "I don't rule out the possibility that any activist, political
    force or structure, whether represented in the pro-government or the
    pro-opposition camp, may make such comment or have such desire. But
    I say once again that I have my special opinion: the settlement of
    the Karabakh conflict is impossible without the complex consideration
    and solution of the issues. I consider that such complex of issues
    is unlikely to find a solution within two months."