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Azeri Ruling Party Set To Change Constitution To Remove Ban For Pres

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  • Azeri Ruling Party Set To Change Constitution To Remove Ban For Pres


    Nov 7 2008

    The article in the Azerbaijani constitution banning Ilham Aliyev to
    stand for a third term will be removed

    The ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) is proposing to hold a referendum
    on removing the article of the constitution banning the election of
    a person to the post of president more than two terms. "The article
    of the constitution, banning a person to be elected a president more
    than two terms, does not correspond to democratic principles and
    restricts democracy," the deputy executive secretary of the NAP,
    MP Siyavus Novruzov, told Trend news on Thursday.

    In line with Point 5 of Article 101 of the Azerbaijani constitution,
    no-one can be elected to the post of president more than two terms. The
    term in office of the president is five years. Yesterday, in his
    address to the Federal Council, Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev
    proposed to extend the term in office of the president from four to
    six years and the parliament from four to five years.

    Some experts assume that there is a need for extension of the term
    in office of the president in Azerbaijan and eliminating a ban on a
    person to be elected more than two terms. A representative of the NAP
    considers that the constitution should not contain such a restriction.

    "The constitution allows an individual to be elected a parliamentarian
    for several times. However, a ban is in place for the president
    to this end. We believe that this [ban] should not be in the
    constitution. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce changes to
    the constitution and we shall come up with such an initiative,"
    Novruzov said.

    There is no need for extending the term in office of the president
    in Azerbaijan, considers Novruzov. The chairman of the parliamentary
    standing commission on agrarian policy, MP Eldar Ibrahimov, of the
    ruling party, told Trend news on Thursday that there is a need in
    Azerbaijan for extending the terms in office of both the parliament
    and the president.

    "Azerbaijan is in a state of war with Armenia. Therefore, the longer
    be the term in office of the president, the greater amount of work
    can be performed. I am a member of parliament for 20 years and can
    say that the five-year term is a very short period," the chairman of
    the commission said.

    One cannot restrict election of a person to the presidency for two
    terms, Ibrahimov believes. "How can it be that I can become an MP for
    four times, however, the president, who copes with his obligations,
    justifies confidence of the people in him and is healthy physically,
    cannot be a president more than two terms?

    This ban tramples upon human rights and the right of the
    president. Paying heed to requirements of the time, we have to again
    review such issues," said Ibrahimov.

    The NAP was set up in 1992 by [former president] Heydar Aliyev. At
    present the chairman of the ruling for over 15-year party is President
    Ilham Aliyev.