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Cyprus Offers Assistance To Armenia In Different Spheres

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  • Cyprus Offers Assistance To Armenia In Different Spheres

    12.11.2008 15:32

    Today the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus, Marios
    Garoyan, made a speech at the National Assembly of the Republic
    of Armenia.

    Mr. Garoyan first thanked for the invitation, saying that one of his
    dreams comes true today on both personal and political levels.

    "The relations between Cyprus an Armenia are based on common historic
    experience and the common struggle against the same rival, as well
    as on similar principles and values, which guide the policy of our
    governments and parliaments. The Armenians of Cyprus are also an
    important link between our peoples," the Speaker of the Cyprus House
    of Representatives said.

    "Our close relations are on a brilliant level. However, there are
    also great opportunities for expanding and deepening those in all
    spheres including the parliamentary one. This is the aim of my visit.

    In the fields of trade and economy we wish to expand the existing
    ties aware that Armenia demonstrates a considerable and growing
    development process.

    For its part, Cyprus can suggest the relative advantages of being a
    member of the European Union and the Euro zone from 2004 and being
    located between the three geo-strategic continents. Besides, we are
    ready to provide assistance in different spheres Armenia will show
    interest in," Mr. Garoyan noted.

    The Parliament Speaker of Cyprus said his visit provides an opportunity
    to express the gratitude of Cyprus to Armenia for the stable assistance
    to finding a just and acceptable solution to the fair struggle for
    reunification through dialogue. "As for the broader framework of
    relations between our countries on the European and international
    arena, Cyprus is willing to assist Armenia by serving as a bridge
    between the European partners and Armenia," he said.

    Mr. Garoyan appreciated the cooperation between the Armenian and
    Cypriot Parliaments within international organizations like the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly, etc.

    At the end of the speech Marios Garoyan once again thanked for warm
    reception and hospitality. He wished fulfillment of dreams to the
    brotherly Armenian nation like his dream came true by this visit to
    the land of his predecessors.