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Short Rest Before Storm

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  • Short Rest Before Storm

    Vardan Grigoryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    13 Nov 08

    The successive decline observed in the Karabakh peace talks and
    the Armenian-Turkish relations makes the task of predicting and
    confronting the new challenges an urgent issue for the political
    forces. So, it's not time for "specifying political attitudes" now.

    Judging by the shallow statements of the NA Deputies and the tactics
    of playing an "internal political hide-and-seek" with regard to the
    Karabakh issue (a practice adopted by the Armenian National Congress,
    the principal pro-opposition force), the solution of such problem will
    again be the sole monopoly of the authorities and expert circles in
    the near future.

    Whereas, it's obvious that this December we will be facing new
    serious developments with regard to both the Karabakh issue and the
    Armenian-Turkish relations.

    The United States influential mediation aimed at the implementation of
    the Madrid Principles will soon be included in the agenda. Besides,
    the top figures of Russia and Turkey will meet in Moscow, and during
    their meeting they will try to overcome what has been characterized
    by well-known Russian expert S. Markedonov as a "peace-keeping
    rivalry". Actually, what we see at present is just a short but
    extremely important period of rest which will allow us to think about
    strengthening the Armenian party's20political arguments that may be
    replenished by new ones.

    In this respect, it is extremely important to take into consideration
    the main lessons of the past months, because they convinced us of the
    impossibility of the speedy regulation of the relationship with Turkey,
    the partiality of Turkey's mediation, the country's immoral ambitions
    of using the first signs of ameliorating the bilateral relations with
    purposes of impeding the process of the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide etc.

    The necessity of counteracting the neighbors' policy with new
    counterbalances is becoming obvious.

    So far, the Armenian diplomacy hasn't properly used the stabilizing
    and balancing role of Iran, the other neighbor of ours in the
    South Caucasus. Of course, this cautiousness of Armenia has been
    somehow conditioned by the concern of not becoming the target of the
    international community's negative attitude to Iran.

    However, it should be born in mind that the same international
    community's attitude towards Russia following the recent
    Russian-Georgian armed conflict did not absolutely prevent the Armenian
    and Russian parties from continuing their strategic partnership. And
    after the shift of Government in the United States, the international
    community's desire and opportunities of keeping a powerful country
    like Iran under continuous pressure have sharply decreased.

    Moreover, Iran is now the most interested party i n terms of
    establishing Armenian control over the liberated territories
    bordering on Nagorno Karabakh. Especially considering the fact
    that the conversation here goes around establishing an international
    peace-keeping mission in those territories - something that is becoming
    a serious threat for Tehran.

    Therefore, in case Turkey makes any attempt of becoming active,
    the Armenian party may speak about its southern neighbors' equal
    sense of responsibility for the South Caucasian region. After all,
    the territories of all the South Caucasian countries were historically
    more attached to Iran rather than Turkey.

    We also think that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic should apply to
    the United Nations and other international organizations through
    Armenia with a demand to investigate and condemn the ethnic cleansings
    committed and the genocidal policy conducted against the Armenians in
    the territory of Azerbaijan since 1918. And return of the liberated
    territories or the possibility of Nagorno Karabakh's existence
    inside Azerbaijan, questions that are often addressed to the Armenian
    diplomacy while being raised on different levels, must be conditioned
    by the fact that Azerbaijan has never been condemned for the above-
    mentioned acts against our nation.

    In the near future, Armenia is required to pay special attention
    to the issue of speeding up the construction of the Iran-Armenia
    railway. At the same time, it is necessary to take advantage20of the
    EU countries' interest in the program aimed at the construction of the
    Baku-Akhalkalaki-Yerevan highway, and to involve the representatives
    of those countries in the Armenian-Georgian joint consortium.

    However, the most important problem whose solution may, in the near
    future, contribute to increasing the resistibility of Armenia and the
    Armenian diplomacy, is the healing of the internal political life by
    way of developing an atmosphere of mutual trust, initiating a dialogue
    and finding civilized solutions to the existing problems.