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Turkey Offers To Mediate US-Iran Talks

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  • Turkey Offers To Mediate US-Iran Talks


    Voice of America
    Nov 12 2008

    Turkey's prime minister said his country is ready to mediate between
    Iran and the incoming U.S. administration of Barack Obama.

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Ankara, Turkey, 11 Nov 2008 In
    an interview in Wednesday's New York Times, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
    Ankara could be "very useful" in nurturing ties between Tehran and
    Washington, strained over Iran's disputed nuclear program. He said
    Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad's overture of congratulations
    to Mr. Obama is "a step that has to be made use of."

    Mr. Erdogan told the Times that the president-elect -- who has said
    he would consider breaking with long-standing U.S. policy and sit
    down with Iranian leaders -- offers a chance for America to reclaim
    "an image that's been lost."

    Turkey has already been roiled by the war in Iraq on its border,
    and the specter of conflict in neighboring Iran. Mr. Erdogan told
    the Times "wars are never the solution in this age."

    As a secular Islamic nation, member of both the U.N. Security Council
    and NATO, Turkey, standing at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle
    East, has recently tried to raise its regional profile.

    Mr. Erdogan told the Times that Turkey's principle in foreign policy
    is not to earn enemies.

    In the wake of the Georgian-Russian conflict in August, Ankara sought
    to head up a group to resolve conflicts in the Caucasus. The government
    has also been mediating talks between arch foes Syria and Israel and
    re-establishing ties with Armenia.

    Turkey's foreign minister, Ali Babacan, today said he expects
    developments soon in the long-running dispute with Armenia, as well
    as the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The minister said he will visit Azerbaijan in the coming days. He
    said his Armenian counterpart, Eduard Nalbandian, may also visit
    Turkey as part of "diplomatic traffic" in the Caucasus.

    Turkey sided with Azerbaijan in its dispute with Armenia over the
    largely Armenian-inhabited region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The foreign ministers of the three countries met in September on the
    sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.