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The Railway Plunders The Entrepreneurs

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  • The Railway Plunders The Entrepreneurs

    K. Beglaryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    12 Nov 08

    Making Use Of Monopoly Position

    On the one hand by exaggerating the investments and on the other hand
    by employing this investments far not for raising the effectiveness
    of the railway's activity but for purchasing expensive cars for the
    leadership of the railway, the manager of the Armenian Railway is
    still not satisfied.

    The "South-Caucasian Railways" has abruptly raised the tariffs of
    different services linked with freight transportation, which arouse the
    indignation of the entrepreneurs making use of the railway. It is not
    accidental that recently two companies "Tariel and Sons" and "Flesh"
    appealed to the Committee on the Protection of Economic Competition,
    complaining of the policy pursued by the railway.

    Both companies complained of the abrupt growth of the tariffs for
    freight transportation, which they link with the monopoly-status of
    the railway. The company "Tariel and Sons" informed the committee
    that due to this policy the company has not functioned for the last
    three months and has stopped freight delivery.

    It turns out, making use of monopoly-status the "South-Caucasian
    Railways" dictates its conditions to the entrepreneurs. Sometimes they
    don't fit the logic and they are only aimed at providing profits for
    certain people.

    Artificial Structure Aimed At Earning Money

    Strange as it may seem the railway's leadership compels the companies
    realizing freight transportation to make use of the so-called mediator
    services. Naturally they must pay for this. It was for this very
    purpose that recently "Trans-Caucasian Transportation Expeditionary
    Company" CSJC was established. The before mentioned mediator-company
    is registered in Charentsavan but functions in Yerevan.

    Though the railway doesn't have any participation in the company and
    is not considered an adjacent organization, the fact that the leader
    of the "South-Caucasian Railways" exhorts the entrepreneurs to make
    use of the company's services testifies to their interest towards
    this company.

    And this is far not accidental. Especially because money circulation
    can be very swift in this mediator company. Making use of its monopoly
    conditions the leadership of the railway is doing its best to achieve
    that end. They employ the mechanism of delaying the transportation
    of the freights, thus obliging the entrepreneurs to make use of the
    mediator company. It is not accidental that if before the freights
    reached Yerevan from Ayrum station in 24 or maximum 36 hours, these
    days they reach in 3-4 days.

    In case of cooperating with the mediator-company "South-Caucasian
    Railways" promises to transport the freights in two days. And this
    is in case when before handing the company over to concessionary
    management the freights reached their destination in one, one and a
    half days. In other words the railway has lost its pace under the new
    leadership. And by the way it is not clear what additional service
    will the mediator company show for the money paid. Especially because
    the companies functioning in the sphere of importing don't need this
    service. But for this strange service they demand 10% of the money
    paid by the entrepreneur for delivering the freights from Ayrum to
    other stations.

    Taking into consideration the volume of the freights, a huge amount
    of money can yearly be allocated in this sphere.

    Certain Services Have Become Five Times More Expensive

    Instead of making investments, raising the effectiveness of
    the railway's activity, reducing the duration of the freights,
    reconstructing the rails, aimed at having additional income, the
    leadership of the "South-Caucasian Railways" considered raising the
    tariffs to be one of the first actions taken by the company. The prices
    of certain services have palpably risen. Sometimes the increase of
    prices is five times more.

    For example the service of freight delivery, which is nothing more than
    a simple note on the direction of this or that wagon, has raised from
    3600 to 18 000 drams for one wagon. To avoid paying additional money
    for that service some companies have found alternative ways. Instead
    of Ayrum they place an order for the wagons in Batum and pay there,
    where this service is incomparably cheap - 5 dollars.

    >From June 1 the expenses of the station has raised by 30%. The role
    of the station is that after entering the station the railway must
    transfer the wagon to the sidetrack of the company by its electric

    If before there was certain normative linked with unloading the
    wagons, to be more precise privileged terms, or they didn't have to
    pay money for a wagon in the stop, at present this norm is simply
    annihilated. From the moment the wagon enters the station the railway
    charges utilization payment.

    Moreover sometimes the company demands money even if the wagons have
    to stop in the station through their fault.

    To Be Continued

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress