2008-11-12 10:52:00
ArmInfo. 'Protection of human rights and freedoms by state is a task
of great political and social importance. Its fulfillment requires
serious efforts by the state and coordination of interaction with
civil society', Prosecutor General of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan said
at the regional conference of prosecutors general in Lvov, Ukraine.
'The key activity guidelines of the Prosecutor General's Office of
Armenia are the Basic values proclaimed by our Constitution i.e. human
being, his rights and freedoms', A. Hovsepyan said. Unfortunately
the Prosecutor's Office in Armenia has not powers outside the
criminal and legal sphere except the function of the Prosecutor
on control over execution of criminal punishments. 'Any crime
violates human rights, indeed. However, very often preliminary
investigation or justice violate human rights. It is the very
sphere that needs procuracy supervision and restoration of social
justice>, A. Hovsepyan said. Such violations are often displayed
through crimes against a person, property, in transport sector
and corruption. 'Surveys showed that crimes in transport sector
are often result for wrong engineering and technical solutions and
omissions in construction of definite road sections. All this often
results in casualties. To liquidate the conditions contributing to
road accidents, the Prosecutor made relevant petitions to the Head
of the Armenian Police and the transport minister. The president of
Armenia was informed as well. All the measures taken have reduced
the general number of accidents in the country', the Prosecutor
General said. He highlighted the role of procuracy and ombudsman in
the sphere and the real and effective mechanisms of cooperation of
these institutions. In addition, Regulations have been drafted to
boost the cooperation of procuracy and public organizations. 'I'd
like to mention that Armenia has ratified majority of international
human rights protection acts that have become a component of our
legal system in compliance with our Constitution. CIS Coordination
Council of Prosecutors General also adopted a series of documents
ensuring protection of human right and interests through procuracy,
including by proposal of Armenian Prosecutor's Office', A. Hovsepyan
said. He also added that the Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia
pays special attention to training of employees and strengthening
of international and legal ties with procuracies of other states to
fight crime and protect human rights and public interests.
2008-11-12 10:52:00
ArmInfo. 'Protection of human rights and freedoms by state is a task
of great political and social importance. Its fulfillment requires
serious efforts by the state and coordination of interaction with
civil society', Prosecutor General of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan said
at the regional conference of prosecutors general in Lvov, Ukraine.
'The key activity guidelines of the Prosecutor General's Office of
Armenia are the Basic values proclaimed by our Constitution i.e. human
being, his rights and freedoms', A. Hovsepyan said. Unfortunately
the Prosecutor's Office in Armenia has not powers outside the
criminal and legal sphere except the function of the Prosecutor
on control over execution of criminal punishments. 'Any crime
violates human rights, indeed. However, very often preliminary
investigation or justice violate human rights. It is the very
sphere that needs procuracy supervision and restoration of social
justice>, A. Hovsepyan said. Such violations are often displayed
through crimes against a person, property, in transport sector
and corruption. 'Surveys showed that crimes in transport sector
are often result for wrong engineering and technical solutions and
omissions in construction of definite road sections. All this often
results in casualties. To liquidate the conditions contributing to
road accidents, the Prosecutor made relevant petitions to the Head
of the Armenian Police and the transport minister. The president of
Armenia was informed as well. All the measures taken have reduced
the general number of accidents in the country', the Prosecutor
General said. He highlighted the role of procuracy and ombudsman in
the sphere and the real and effective mechanisms of cooperation of
these institutions. In addition, Regulations have been drafted to
boost the cooperation of procuracy and public organizations. 'I'd
like to mention that Armenia has ratified majority of international
human rights protection acts that have become a component of our
legal system in compliance with our Constitution. CIS Coordination
Council of Prosecutors General also adopted a series of documents
ensuring protection of human right and interests through procuracy,
including by proposal of Armenian Prosecutor's Office', A. Hovsepyan
said. He also added that the Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia
pays special attention to training of employees and strengthening
of international and legal ties with procuracies of other states to
fight crime and protect human rights and public interests.