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Karabakh May Disagree With Results Of Any Negotiations Basing On Its

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  • Karabakh May Disagree With Results Of Any Negotiations Basing On Its


    "Noravank" Foundation
    13 November 2008

    Gagik Harutyunyan's interview to REGNUM

    Signing of Armenian-Azerbaijani-Russian declaration has come to prove
    about a new important milestone in Karabakh conflict regulation. It was
    announced by the director of "Noravank" Foundation Gagik Harutyunyan
    in his interview with an Ð~XÐ~P REGNUM correspondent.

    The expert mentioned the fact that for the first time after 1994 the
    document was signed not only by the Armenian and Azerbaijani parties
    but also, in the very case, by the Russian one. "After South Ossetian
    conflict the situation in the region has changed and Russia's stocks
    are rising rapidly. It has come to be proved by the fact that Russia
    tries to become the guarantor of the contract which will possibly be
    signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan," stressed up G.Harutyunyan.

    "Today many people say that the version suggested by Russia is, as a
    matter of fact, not very advantageous for Armenia. It is also possible
    and in this sense it is often reminded the situation of 1920s, when
    Russia and Turkey divided Armenia between themselves. The analogy is
    not quite opportune. In comparison with those years Armenia now is
    an established state, and it is not that easy to divide it even if
    it is very much desired," mentioned the expert .

    G.Harutyunyan accentuated that it was not possible to ignore the
    interests of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in the conflict settlement
    process. In this connection he considered it quite noteworthy the
    military trainings in Nagorno-Karabakh just before the meeting in
    Moscow, where it was also considered the scenario of transferring
    military operations into the territory of Azerbaijan. To Harutyunyan's
    estimation these trainings have come to prove that the issue can not
    be settled at will of only one of the parties.

    The expert disagreed with the opinion of the Armenian opposition
    leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan that by signing the declaration Armenian
    factually determined a new negotiating status and once and forever
    excluded the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic from it. "We must proceed from
    the interests of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of
    Armenia, i.e. Armenia.

    Karabakh may any moment announce that it is not the participant of
    negotiations and doesn't recognize their results. In fact, it is note
    a bad move in the reserve...Although at present Armenia is alone
    in the negotiation process; it goes without saying that Armenia's
    President Serge Sargisyan, who is the head of Self-Defense Committee of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, also de-facto represents the interests of Karabakh,"
    summarized Harutyunyan.

    --Boundary_(ID_tuvGM3zmZult6+gNSxxpn w)--