Ya Libnan inister_murr_n.php
Nov 13 2008
Beirut- Defense Minister Elias el-Murr affirmed the alliance and
friendship with the Tashnaq Party," We will continue with this alliance
regardless of the circumstances, nothing will separate us."
Following his meeting with a Tashnag delegation headed by Hagop
Pakradonian, Murr said, "we are one team, we are working together
to set things straight not just in the Maten, but in all Lebanese
regions, allowing the Tashnag to naturally represent its constituency
in Lebanon."
MP Pakradonian said." My visit to Minister Murr is natural; he
is an old friend and political ally. We are here to follow up on
developments, to congratulate him on his good work in combating
terrorism; we have tackled some political issues. We are in full
coordination with him on this."
Tashnag leader Pakradonian pointed that his meeting with Murr (
pictured) did not cover the upcoming elections saying "we will talk
about that next February."
Murr is one of 3 ministers that President Suleiman has chosen to
represent him in the national unity government . He is supposed to
be neutral. His father MP Michel Murr was allied with the Armenian
pro-Syrian Tashnag party in the most recent elections.
Ya Libnan inister_murr_n.php
Nov 13 2008
Beirut- Defense Minister Elias el-Murr affirmed the alliance and
friendship with the Tashnaq Party," We will continue with this alliance
regardless of the circumstances, nothing will separate us."
Following his meeting with a Tashnag delegation headed by Hagop
Pakradonian, Murr said, "we are one team, we are working together
to set things straight not just in the Maten, but in all Lebanese
regions, allowing the Tashnag to naturally represent its constituency
in Lebanon."
MP Pakradonian said." My visit to Minister Murr is natural; he
is an old friend and political ally. We are here to follow up on
developments, to congratulate him on his good work in combating
terrorism; we have tackled some political issues. We are in full
coordination with him on this."
Tashnag leader Pakradonian pointed that his meeting with Murr (
pictured) did not cover the upcoming elections saying "we will talk
about that next February."
Murr is one of 3 ministers that President Suleiman has chosen to
represent him in the national unity government . He is supposed to
be neutral. His father MP Michel Murr was allied with the Armenian
pro-Syrian Tashnag party in the most recent elections.