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BAKU: Azerbaijanis In Georgia Demand Georgian Defense Minsiter's Res

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijanis In Georgia Demand Georgian Defense Minsiter's Res


    Nov 18 2008

    Azerbaijan, Baku, 17 November /TrendNews corr. J.Babayeva / The
    National Assembly for Azerbaijanis in Georgia (NAAG) demands the
    Georgian Defense Minister's resignation.

    "A new cooperation initiative between Ministers of Georgia and
    Armenia is directed to more aggravation of tensions around military
    conflicts in the region. This step contradicts principles of strategic
    partnership between Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as Georgia and
    Turkey," Dashgin Gulmammadov, the head of the NAAG, told TrendNews
    on 17 November.

    Georgian Defense Minister David Kezarashvili met with his Armenian
    counterpart Seyran Oganyan in Georgia on 12 November. The meeting
    focused on intensification of cooperation in a defense field between
    Georgia and Armenia, as well as strengthening of cooperation in
    military, as well as military and technical field. The Ministers spoke
    about good opportunities for intensive cooperation in a defense field
    during the meeting.

    An agreement on Armenia's use the Georgian territory as a transit
    was discussed and reached during the meeting. According to unofficial
    data, the sides reached an agreement on perspectives of repair of the
    Armenian armour equipment at the Georgian tank repair plant, as well.

    According to Gulmammadov, an agreement, which envisages repair of tanks
    at the Tbilisi tank repair plant of the Georgian Defense Ministry,
    is directed ingeniously against Azerbaijan.

    "It is clear that Armenia will use the repaired tanks and military
    cars against Azerbaijan. Military equipment of Armenia was repaired
    at the plant earlier, as well. The Georgian Defense Ministry wants to
    bring existing direction of cooperation to an official level," he said.

    The Georgian Defense Ministry's military cooperation initiative with
    Armenia is not clear, Gulmammadov said. "The Georgian Defense Ministry,
    which has a strategic cooperation with Azerbaijan in a military field,
    takes steps against Azerbaijan. Such actions can be a stimulus for
    outbreak of conflicts and military operations in the region," the
    NAAG leader said.

    Cooperation between the Defense Ministries of Georgia and Armenia
    led to discontent amongst Azerbaijanis in Georgia, some political
    and state organizations, the head of the NAAG said. "If demand of the
    National Assembly for Azerbaijanis in Georgia on the Defense Minister's
    resignation is not realized, the Assembly will hold protest actions
    in front of the Parliament and Defense Ministry of the country,"
    Gulmammadov said.

    The National Assembly for Azerbaijanis in Georgia (NAAG) was
    established in 2001. The NAAG is public and political organization
    against the Georgian authorities.