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It Is No Coincidence That Sony Ericsson's Official Dealer In Armenia

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  • It Is No Coincidence That Sony Ericsson's Official Dealer In Armenia


    2008-11-19 17:37:00

    ArmInfo. Sony Ericsson's official dealer in Armenia decided to "amaze"
    the market with new "unprecedented" service. The company store of
    cellular telephones offered the population extremely unprofitable
    conditions of service by banking cards. If a mobile telephone and
    accessories are bought by cards of the Armenian Card national payment
    system, the seller adds 2% of the goods value to the price, and 3%
    in case of purchase by cards of Visa and Master Card international
    systems. The store didn't specify what marketing solutions made Sony
    Ericsson representatives choose work principles running counter to
    international standards, however, the store said that the issue of
    levying the commission fee in case of cashless settlement by cards
    was discussed with INECOBANK which secures transactions through its
    own POS-terminal.

    Meanwhile, David Makaryan, the head of INECOBANK plastic cards
    department, denied pointblank any agreements with Sony Ericsson on
    levying commission fees, and this contradicts both the regulations
    of the bank's work and basic principles of securing payment
    operations. According to him, levied commission fees are the initiative
    of the store itself, and unfortunately, it is impossible to see whether
    the merchant partner observes the terms of the contract with the bank.

    However, in a conversation with ArmInfo correspondent, the financial
    director of a large merchant network which has been operating in the
    Armenian market for over 3 years and has acquired no POS-terminals
    yet, complained of extremely unprofitable terms of acquiring. The
    director, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that banks want to
    levy high commission fees from transactions - up to 3% of the deal,
    in extremis - up to 2.75%.

    Moreover, he thinks that banks have a quite jealous attitude
    to possible installation of one more POS- terminal of a
    bank-competitor. The banks demand exclusive rights for themselves
    even despite the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases
    terminals are capable to serve the cards of only one international
    payment system in addition to the national one. "As a famous brand,
    eventually we'll have to launch POS- terminals in our network,
    however, the terms we are offered may affect our price policy", -
    the interlocutor said explaining the reason of Sony Ericsson dealers'
    behavior in the quite competitive market.

    To note, the Armenian government has prepared a new draft law on
    acquiring development. The legislative decision implies compulsory
    installation of POS-terminals for merchant enterprises occupying a
    trade area from 100 sq.m.

    since 2009; from 50 sq.m. since 2010, from 15 sq.m. since
    2011. According to experts, the law provisions may seriously change
    the volume of installed terminal equipment and abruptly increase the
    cashless payments in economy.

    Experts think this decision may cause a slight growth in prices of
    certain kinds of goods.