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Cypriot, Armenian Parliaments To Boost Ties

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  • Cypriot, Armenian Parliaments To Boost Ties


    Cyprus News Agency
    Nov 14 2008

    [Report by Nicos Markides: "Cyprus and Armenia Agree To Enhance

    Yerevan, Nov 14 (CNA) - An agreement to further develop the relations
    of the Cyprus House of Representatives and the National Assembly of
    Armenia, was reached during the talks Cypriot Speaker Marios Garoyian
    [Karoyian] held during his two-day visit to Yerevan.

    Garoyian and National Assembly of Armenia President Hovik Abrahamyan
    held a joint press conference on Thursday [ 13 November] at the end
    of Garoyian's official visit where they also announced that visits
    by parliamentary delegations of the two countries and government
    officials would be held, while Abrahamyan accepted an invitation by
    Garoyian to visit Cyprus in the coming year.

    They also pledged to work for opening an Armenian embassy in Nicosia
    and a Cypriot embassy in Yerevan, hoping to achieve this within
    2009 when President of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris Christofias
    [Dhimitris Khristofias] will pay an official visit to the country.

    In his opening remarks, Garoyian thanked his Armenian counterpart
    for the invitation, to visit the land of his ancestors.

    "My visit confirms the excellent relations between the two Parliaments
    and at the same time underlines our will to widen and reinforce even
    further our traditional and excellent relations", he said.

    With President Abrahamyan, he added, "we agreed to implement as much
    as possible the Cooperation Memorandum signed by our predecessors
    two years ago and during the Speaker's visit next year (to Cyprus),
    we will sign a wider Cooperation Memorandum which will include many
    other sectors not included in the existing one".

    At the same time, he said, Cyprus, as a member of the EU is willing to
    substantially contribute to implement programmes within the European
    Partnership Programme that will serve the interests and plans of the
    Armenian government and state as a whole.

    Garoyian referred to the talks he held with the Armenian political
    leadership and President Serzh Sargsyan noting the initiatives the
    latter has undertaken in regards to his contacts with Turkey and
    normalizing relations between Turkey and Armenia, we well as the
    latest developments concerning Karabach.

    "Armenia is following a policy of principles towards the Cyprus issue
    and the Republic of Cyprus is following a policy of principles on
    issues which Armenia considers of high interest", said Garoyian.

    In his statements, National Assembly of Armenia President Abrahamyan
    said he agrees with Garoyian's remarks. Asked what Armenia wants
    from Cyprus, an EU member, concerning Turkey, Abrahamyan said
    "we expect justice from the EU, we want cooperation with the EU
    and our country has adopted the policy which will bring it closer
    to European structures and we are open to hear every proposal from
    the EU, which is not against the Armenian causes and cooperate with
    Cyprus as closely as possible".

    On Turkey's relations with the EU, Abrahamyan urged all states and
    Cyprus, to be aware of Turkey and its policies.

    Garoyian said he had discussed this issue with the Armenian President
    as well as Abrahamyan and pledged that Cyprus, "as a member of the
    EU, has the ability to play a substantial role to enhance relations
    between the EU and Armenia".

    "Our effort is for Turkey to comply with the principles and values
    of the EU", he said, adding "we supported the start of Turkey's
    negotiations with the EU on the basis of three preconditions: that
    it will recognize the Republic of Cyprus, that it will normalize its
    relations with the Republic of Cyprus and will implement the Ankara
    Protocol, meaning it will open its ports and airports to Cypriot
    ships and plans, substantially contributing to finding a viable,
    fair and functional solution to the Cyprus issue".

    So far, Turkey has not fulfilled any of these promises or
    preconditions, he added.

    Abrahamyan said Armenia supports the Cyprus positions for a bizonal,
    bicommunal federation.

    Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and
    occupied the island's northern third.

    During his contacts, Garoyian also met Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan,
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Edvard Nalbandyan and was received by
    His Holiness Garegin II, Catholicos of all Armenians.

    Garoyian and his entourage return home Friday.