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BAKU: Baku Raps French Mediator's Remarks

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  • BAKU: Baku Raps French Mediator's Remarks


    AzerNews Weekly
    Nov 19 2008

    The Azerbaijani government has issued a terse response to the French
    mediator`s recent statements on the Armenia-Azerbaijan Upper (Nagorno)
    Garabagh conflict.

    "There is no such notion as `the people of Upper Garabagh`, and the
    separatist regime cannot join talks on the conflict," the Foreign
    Ministry spokesman Khazar Ibrahim said while commenting on the OSCE
    Minsk Group (MG) co-chair Bernard Fassier`s remarks citing "the people
    of Upper Garabagh" and the self-proclaimed republic`s participation
    in peace talks.

    Ibrahim emphasized that the population of Upper Garabagh includes
    both Azeris and Armenians, and representatives of both communities
    are citizens of Azerbaijan.

    "After the occupation ends, they will meet their day-to-day
    needs. There is no `people of Upper Garabagh`. Such statements by an
    MG co-chair are unacceptable."

    Fassier had said during a visit to Yerevan that the regime in Upper
    Garabagh "was not estranged" from peace talks and that "the people
    of Upper Garabagh will say their piece in due time." He also said
    that with the current course of developments, Upper Garabagh should
    contribute to reaching a solution to the long-standing dispute.

    Upper Garabagh is an Azeri region occupied by Armenia since a 1994
    cease-fire ended separatist hostilities that killed an estimated 30,000
    people and ousted about a million Azeris out of their homes. Years
    of peace talks have brought little tangible result.

    Ibrahim said Fassier`s statement runs counter to the declaration on
    a political settlement of the dispute signed by the Azerbaijani,
    Armenian and Russian presidents in Moscow on November 2. "In that
    declaration, Azerbaijan and Armenia are indicated as [the only]
    parties in negotiations on the conflict resolution. It contains no
    clauses on Upper Garabagh`s joining talks."

    The spokesman noted that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had
    co-signed the document, and any statements by a representative of the
    MG co-chair country defying those of another co-chairing country`s
    leader were "inconceivable."